Teddy jr arc

I just am having a hard time accepting his characters change in personality and attitude. I clearly like him better now,but there was little in explanation or reason for the sudden and drastic change. I mean he went from being semi abusive and controlling of Tawny to like husband soon to be ex husband of the year. And from driving around drunk beating up clients because of his new rim lease deal to not be wanting to be in the tire business anymore and the list goes on of his character changing with out the story arc supporting these changes. Anyone have any thoughts on this or am I off the mark and the story did show this change happening and why


I'm glad for your post because after watching it tonight and bawling because of Clayne Crawford's performance once again, I started trying to remember why Tawny was frightened of him and why they made it seem like he was abusive. You reminded me of some the things he did, but I still didn't see anything in him for Tawny to be so skittish around him. Maybe I would have to watch it again to really see it. Things have changed so much for them. I was wondering if the writers decided to change direction for him and make him not really abusive. I have ended up not liking Tawny so much because she seems kind of childish to me. I don't know. I do know that it doesn't have to be physical to be abuse. I have experienced that and it is very painful and effects you in so many ways. But, anyway. I have been bowled over by Clayne Crawford and everyone else, but mostly him. I also enjoy him in Lethal Weapon. Completely different character and kind of show, but he is so likeable. He is great at being vulnerable. Rectify started out with Aden Young being the stand out, but I think Clayne Crawford has eclipsed him. Part of that may have to do with the writing and the events going on their lives. But, Wow! These are some great actors. Everyone makes me cry every time.

Look - Spartacus draws blood. ~ Lucretia



I can't believe I agree with you mate but rewatching you are right. Dayum what have I become


I love him and lethal weapon is one of my favorite shows now. Also I've been rewatching rectify from the beginning and I never thought I would say this but sign on is right. Teddy never has been the bad guy Tawny was the one causing tension. Though Teddy mishandled his first interactions with Daniel. Though again who would know how to act towards someone you don't know that just got off death row. So looking back Teddy hasn't been terrible like I intentionally thought. I have also watched anything with Crawford in it I could find. I suggest checking out his movie The Perfect Host it's a great display of his acting chops.



I'd say more insecure than a softie, yeah, hiding insecurity definitely. Remember he and Taney have both been attending counseling, which has probably helped him. Losing her may also have been a bit of a wake up call for him. They were codependent, both damaged people, just not as badly as poor Daniel.




Teddy was kind of supressing and controling towards Tawney, but honestly I can't blame him. Tawney is so estranged from herself and quite elusive of nature, which would be hard to live with, also with Teddy having a different sort of personality and being a more upfront kind of person contrary to her. She's the devout christian wife baking Teddy cookies and muffins, but what is actually going on inside her mind you can never really tell.

In my eyes Teddy never was an abusive husband and I find that his character follows a pretty natural course of development. I don't even think he changed that much. In a forced effort to showcase his best behavior he tried to win back Tawney, eventually realising this is a prospectless enterprise. Now he lost Tawney and his tire business, maybe feeling he lost everything, who knows what he will do. He still shows signs of problematic behavior (like excessive drinking) and it wouldn’t be the first time a seemingly well adjusted man (inside feeling desperate) breaks down and for instance kills himself.


The story has gone out of its way to show that Teddy's usual persona is a fragile shell, and that he's really very insecure. All for understandable reasons.

In my eyes Teddy never was an abusive husband

He was certainly abusive once he discovered Tawney's emotional connection with Daniel. I mean both emotionally and physically.

"You must not judge what I know by what I find words for." - Marilynne Robinson



Sure, Tawney's personality would be hard to live with and they're extremely poorly matched. But you have to wonder why Teddy would pick a woman like that to marry. Why didn't he go for someone more 'upfront' like him? Is it because Tawney appeared to be easy to control? In that case, he brought his marital misery upon himself.

Teddy was unquestionably sexually coercive which he himself acknowledged (in the past towards another woman, but it's a pattern), and he didn't care about Tawney's satisfaction. And as Lily Allen would say - it's really not OK. That to me is inexcusable no matter how insecure a person he is or how tough his situation.

As for not knowing how to behave towards a Death Row convict released - well, simply being polite and not provoking him/her would be a start. Because the very fact that Teddy provoked him so aggressively betrays the fact that he couldn't have thought that Daniel is really a murderer. Self-preservation would prevail over his insecurities if he considered Daniel dangerous.


Sure, Tawney's personality would be hard to live with and they're extremely poorly matched. But you have to wonder why Teddy would pick a woman like that to marry. Why didn't he go for someone more 'upfront' like him? Is it because Tawney appeared to be easy to control? In that case, he brought his marital misery upon himself.
I agree that Tawney probably appealed to Teddy because she was somewhat naive, inexperienced and sweetly docile, but Tawney also wanted a strong man who would make her feel safe and Teddy fulfilled that role. It was probably a good match at first, but ultimately doomed to fall apart.

Rectify - new parody pix


Daniels coffee Cracking taught him a lesson, albiet a harsh lesson,
its been a few months since then, he has been going to therapy session aswell, well marriage counseling, but it is cathartic to talk about anything that it is bothering you, and he has learned that he cannot keep tawney if he acts that way

you have to remember the condensed nature of time, and that the biggest jump really was between season 3-4, which explains the biggest change in his personality,

he got taught a lesson, lost his wife, blamed daniel, tried to stop the plea deal,
at this point i don't think he blames Daniel or Tawney, and getting shot in the leg probably doesn't hurt.. at least doesn't hurt, i am sure his leg hurts like *beep*

strife can often improve someones personal development,

and he had himself an unburdening, that was the final thing he needed to get off his chest, telling his dad he didn't wanna do the tire store no more, that his dad tried his hardest, and revealing the divorce, which, can't be easy to do in paulie


Well said man. Was wondering when you would chime in. Can you believe sign in ? He seems....level headed?


It does feel a bit rushed. When Teddy first intuited what was going on with Daniel and Tawney there were times when I was on pins and needles. I was very afraid he would hurt Tawney, and I think that speaks to Crawford's incredibly nuanced performance.

Rectify - parody pix



I actually can agree with that.


don;t drink the koolaid, he has a laced it with strychnine


You bring up an interesting point about looks. I agree that Clayne Crawford has a certain look that will probably typecast him as an antagonist in various forms. The killer, thief, abuser, or general dirtbag. Like Ray Liotta, rarely the good guy.

I often wonder what the reaction would have been if Young was cast as Teddy and Crawford as Daniel.

Rectify - new parody pix


it is an interesting thought, swapping the two actors,

i wanna know if the show would have been as good with Walton Goggins playing Daniel,
i love Goggins, the shield, sons, hateful 8,(need to watch justified)
but i just can't see daniel being him,
because goggins has a specific evil look to him, not even a "resting bitch face"
but a sorta psychotic look to his eyes,

Aden younng just looks like a safer person, which could have been used to deceive fans,
goggins on the other hand might have kept the audience more skeptical,


It's an interesting 'what if'. Young indeed has a very pleasant, almost angelic sort of face (very blue eyes, plump lips, really long lashes). He's also skinny and has elegant artistic hands. He practically looks saintly, and this effect was even stronger when he was younger. He has an old-fashioned sort of beauty, which goes well with the old soul nature of the character.

I've noticed that the promotional posters have gone out of their way to emphasize his asymmetric eyes to try and make him look more sinister. I've only seen him play a baddie once and he wasn't terribly convincing. He just wouldn't work as Teddy.

Sadly for Crawford - he does have a resting jerk face lol. Lucky that he's such a one in a million talent to offset it. He does have the range to pull off Daniel's vulnerability, but he may be too overtly masculine (he has a more solid build). Young just physically LOOKS sensitive.




Yes, Mr. Fluffykins, you DO need to watch Justify! One of the best series ever.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.



"trump up false charges"

lol - I bet Jr voted for Trump.



Daniel would probably say he's not ready to vote because he's been isolated from all politics except DP politics or 19 years. He went into prison during a Dem admin and was released during a Dem admin - cool!



since we don't know the timeline of when he actually got out,
and we don't know the timeline of when his exoneration
when the election did happen, Daniel wasn't able to vote
because he is a convicted felon,
but seeing as the show debut in 2013, and 6-8 months have passed,
Daniel might have been fully elected
There is no way i can see Daniel voting for a death penalty supporting party,
and hes seen enough of walls, and doesn't have racial prejudices,
actually it has been the "white" who have been the worst to him,
I feel he wouldn't trust clinton, but i also feel that he wouldn't given his intelligence be able to support gary johnson because of his anti-vax sentiments,
although libertarian would be an appropriate fit,
Because what Daniel wants is his freedom


Interesting. Daniel can vote in 19 years:



Or next episode, depending on how the cookie crumbles
although he will have to register to vote,
the system is rigged though,


I think the therapy helped Teddy, as well as acknowledging that his marriage was over and taking control in that situtation. It also seems like he's drinking less, which is good. Alcohol is fuel on a flame for chronically angry people.

But I'm not entirely buying this new humbled attitude. I think he's still an angry guy in a lot of ways, and that we'll see that again at some point in the finale. Earlier in the show, I feared violence from him toward one of the other characters. Now, not so much. But I could see him joining a white supremacy MRA group.

"Oh, I'll be polite. Right up until I'm rude."



never go full signtarded, there is no comming back


Well spoke too soon earlier sign in is in full sign in mode I just hadn't read far enough down. Also to your point earlier I also LOVE Goggins. But this would definitely be a different show with him I don't know that he could harness and hold the sense of innocence that Aiden is able to harness and use.
