MovieChat Forums > Rectify (2013) Discussion > Anyone planning on watching the series a...

Anyone planning on watching the series again when it concludes?

I typically don't re-watch a series once it's over, but I feel like I want to relive this one again. I've been talking to my wife about how good this show is over last few seasons and I think she's on board to watch it again with me. Reading through threads everyone seems very informed about the small details of the show and I know I've missed some things along the way. I know watching it again I'd likely pick up those things that I missed the first time around. Plus, it's only 27 or so episodes, so blazing through it again won't take much time.



You're such sore loser. lol. You got owned, just accept it and get back on topic.



Yes, but after a break to decompress.

I did this for Lost and Battlestar Galactica and Mad Men.

At least a year.

Seinfeld, I watched again as son as it went into syndication. May comedies are different.


They better not leave us like they did LOST. Wondering what the heck to make of it all when it was over. Just theories and speculation.


I'm not a big fan of the finale of Lost either. It's been awhile, but didn't they try to give closure to some of the main characters? But then with all of that going forward in time, going back to the present, and going further back in the past, it made me dizzy.


That's what I plan, to give it about a year, but in all honesty I might not wait that long. I finished Mad Men recently and I would like to watch it again (I'm sure I missed things) just not too soon. I'm due for a rewatch of Boardwalk Empire and True Detective part 1, so that's on my back burner after I finish S.O.A.


maybe over christmas, i am just finished a rewatch of every episode up to a finally that ive been doing over the past year,
i gotta rewatch twin peaks again though before that comes back after a 26 year break

i think i am more likely to rewatch it sooner if he is guilty, or there is some kind of big twist at the end, cuz i will want to watch through seeing the clues for what they were and the red herrings for what they were,

but ill need some time so i stop thinking about rectify randomly,
and enjoy christmas, despite being an etheogenic panthiest, cuz christmas isn't about going to church, its about getting drunk and stoned with your friends and family,


I've already watched most episodes several times, and certain scenes many times more. I probably won't watch the whole series again consecutively, but have no doubt I'll watch more of individual scenes.

"You must not judge what I know by what I find words for." - Marilynne Robinson


I've noticed your (and others) recollection of specific events is very clear. I assumed that maybe some of you had watched the episodes more than once or just have a very good memory. I'm lucky if I remember what I had for dinner last night. It will do me some good to watch all episodes in a short period of time and look for signs of what was coming if something different happens on Wednesday than what I was expecting.


It's been my routine for a long time to rewatch movies and movie scenes, so rewatching good TV series drama is an extension of that habit. Being a temporal art, this seems the natural way to fully appreciate it. I also rewatch some stuff that I don't think quite lives up to what I take to be strong potential, because I'm interested to figure out why.

"You must not judge what I know by what I find words for." - Marilynne Robinson



Don't rectitard shame, it is hate speech pure and simple sign, you are better then that ...wait...


I wouldn't say I'm in a huge rush to rewatch but I'll probably try to get my girlfriend into it so I might watch it then
