MovieChat Forums > Rectify (2013) Discussion > Was Kerwin one of Daniel's Rapists?

Was Kerwin one of Daniel's Rapists?

When Daniel was talking to the therapist in the beginning about being gang-raped in the shower...

Daniel: I hear footsteps.
Almost as I turn around, somebody hits me in the back of the head.

Therapist: Do you see him?

Daniel: Now I do.
I see all of them.

Therapist: How many?

Daniel: Five.

Therapist: Do you know them?

Daniel: Four of them I knew four of them.
One was executed when I was still inside.
And one was One lived right beside me for more than a decade.


No. He's talking about Wendell Jenks.

"You must not judge what I know by what I find words for." - Marilynne Robinson


he even even spoke like him a little later in the quote, Jelks was second to last, Daniel quoted him, with a nice little imitation,


the next title is "all im saying" maybe during his ptsd therapy he remembers kerwin saying saying "all im saying, is i should get a turn" , maybe that is what he realized at the end of the episde, that it was a black hand around his neck

although kerwin wasn't on the row until later,
3 year old? i like your style we should compare notes,
we don't ever see daniel when he was first incarcerated,


Sigh... I respect the spirit of the story, and the sensibility of the storyteller, and trust where these lead. In this case, they quite obviously don't lead to such a crushingly horrific revelation.

McKinnon did not work so hard to depict that rare source of faith in the character's life, that profound grace, beauty and love, only to turn around and use it to assault his audience.

"You must not judge what I know by what I find words for." - Marilynne Robinson


I certainly hope not, i hope for a bittersweet ending, that makes me cry, tears of happy, but i can't stop myself from doning a tin foil hat, hope for the best, prepare for the worst, ususally things fall somewhere in the middle, in all aspects of life, almost buddha like
foulkes, trey, and kerwin are a must for the finale,
maybe the letter is from kerwins mother, although i don't know how she would have got his address, i am guessing tawney, and it will offer Daniel some closure,
although if that is the case the letter was written before she spelled out D I V O R C E, and long before she got her faith back,


I think if Kerwin had raped him Wendell would have pointed it out to Daniel many times while he tournamented him.



That's what I was wondering...the wording was correct confusing...but also that creepy guy that always taunted him through the vents lived next to him too?

I hate to think the writers would ruin the beauty of Daniel and Kerwin's friendship.



Of course not. That was Wendall Jelks.

Wendall told Daniel he was one of them.

"Oh, I'll be polite. Right up until I'm rude."



No. Dammit.


