MovieChat Forums > Rectify (2013) Discussion > The field *** spoilers ***

The field *** spoilers ***

Was the field Daniel and chloe were standing in during the final scene also the field where Daniel and Amantha watched the sun rise his first morning of freedom?


It looked that way to me. And to me it meant.....hope, something beautiful that may come in the future. Maybe even soothing thoughts for Daniel's soul. The way that first sight of a sunrise after living in a box on death row for 19 years must have appeared to him, poetically beautiful in a sense.


Thank you! That was my thought as well


Why were there no windows in the cell?

The Boston marathon terrorist brat has a window in his Colorado cell, but his view is of the sky, not the beautiful mountains surrounding the prison.

Why were the lights on all the time?

Why was Daniel hogtied when they took his books, and why did they take his books?



Every prison is built differently. Some have windows, some are like Daniel's. I believe having a window would be cruelest because they can see freedom but never touch it.

They tossed his room and took his books because, iirc, he had a meltdown after Kerwin's death and smeared feces everywhere they hogtied him because he was fighting the guards who came in to clean him and the room up. Taking the one thing he loved, his luxury, was punishment.
