MovieChat Forums > Rectify (2013) Discussion > Favorite part of the finale

Favorite part of the finale

For me it was Teddy deciding to talk with Daniel on the phone. It was just a great way to bring closure to theyre relationship. They both got a chance to apologise to each other and move on. It was also a great way to show how much Teddy has grown as a person since season 1.


Trey's temper tantrum.

BTW - Can Daggett give the GIB the information Trey gave him?

Loved the evolution of Daggett from hard-boiled cop to a man sincerely interested at getting at the truth.

The nurse not turning off Foulkes's TV.

Daniel holding the baby. A splendid wrap to wonderful show. I don't think there's anything else like Rectify.


The moment Teddy jr. Asked to talk to Daniel my heart couldn't take it out



alpha and beta are terms that don't even matter, lol we aren't uncivilized beasts anymore,


So many to choose from, but I think the scene between Janet and Hanna's mom is the one that I'll remember most. Such an unexpectedly beautiful and emotionally resonant scene.


Teddy wanting to initiate a conversation with Daniel, and showing compassion to pass the phone to tawney, idicating how much he has grown, that scene made me burst out crying

the Press Conference, and everbodies reaction, i hope the senator filled his ostomy bag, and that Chris Nelms knows he could face jail

the meat and 3 veg, scene, Daniel springing for the meal,

Kerwin and Daniel's car ride through new york,(all im saying)

Amantha using the word Rectify


I really went into the finale without expectations but I hoped for a Teddy/Daniel scene where they made peace, they've both grown as people since they last saw each other and it'd be a natural thing to see happen. As the show ran along and the window for such a scene got smaller, I thought I was going to be left wanting, but I was overjoyed when Teddy appeared and asked to speak to Daniel on the phone. So that would be my favourite part in a sea of great scenes that left me with no gripes just 4 seasons of beautiful TV where I'll probably wonder what the rest of their lives will be after we leave them as if they are real people.


There are many to choose from.

Amantha and Jon: Both are moving on from their previous relationship without bitterness and both admire each other. They will ALWAYS have a connection. Even though it was previously made clear that they would not continue their relationship, it was heart-rending to see both of them conversing after all they had been through and (what appeared to me) wondering what might have been in a different time. "You're one of the good guys, Jon, and you're fighting on the side of the righteous."

Teddy Sr. and Janet: The conversation in the kitchen. Especially when Jared walked in while they were kissing. "Incoming offspring."

Last scene with Daniel's thought of Chloe and the baby: A thought of the future with a thought of hope, even though he knew it would be "a long road" the investigation was not going to happen over night, but for the first time he felt HOPE.

Glad I remembered the box of tissues. Good finale to a great series.


I join many of you citing the Teddy deciding to talk with Daniel on the phone as my favourite part of the finale.

When he talks with Daniel, then lets Tawney talk with him too, and finally we see Janet and Amantha by the phone holding each other. It was so sweet and made me cry.



Teddy literally phoned it in. Tawney, too. Characters actually lining up to get on the phone to bring closure to a relationship. It would have been perfect for a soap opera.

The finale had a much more mainstream sensibility, lacking the emotional rigour of previous seasons. McKinnon gave in to the goo.

"You must not judge what I know by what I find words for." - Marilynne Robinson


McKinnon gave in to the goo.

It seems like he was asleep at the desk this entire damn season. Or did he have a brain transplant? I was deflated when I first finished watching, but now I'm just plain angry. 

And I wasn't angry with the Lost finale, when everyone else was sharpening their pitchforks!!!Lol


Check out this thread:

"You must not judge what I know by what I find words for." - Marilynne Robinson


And I wasn't angry with the Lost finale, when everyone else was sharpening their pitchforks!!!Lol

I wasn't angry about the LOST finale because I had long since seen the writing on the wall and given up on a cogent and reasonable ending. They had already swerved and circled and detoured so much I knew there was no way they could write a decent finale. By the time it rolled around I just didn't care.

And I didn't care much about Rectify either. From S4E1, I thought I knew what they would do. Season 4 was Rectify: Retold in Eight Episodes. It could have been darker, or Walton-like, as it was, and it would have been the same to me.

The XFiles, now; that one really disappointed me. And from being so invested in it, I've learned not to trust series television or expect much.

It may be impossible to create completely satisfactory endings to a beloved and popular series. They almost never make everyone happy. Mad Men is still under discussion. And even Breaking Bad, which ended almost the only way it could have, has its detractors. A thankless task, apparently, writing series finales.
