Too much soundtrack

Enjoyed the first episode of the 4th series but I felt the music at times was too intrusive during some of the more emotional scenes. Let the actors convey the mood - no need for sound here to create an extra layer of meaning.


Yes, several fans have noticed this shift. Not only is it intrusive during scenes, but it telegraphs what to expect. "This is going to be poignant." "This is going to be tense." Etc. It talks down to Rectify fans.

Something happened in S4.

"You must not judge what I know by what I find words for." - Marilynne Robinson


yes there was always a heavy score, it was just off in season 4,
i don't think they were so much talking down to rectify fans,
maybe talking down to the people who hadn't seen the first 3 seasons, and didn't understand the context


I can't imagine anyone to start watching a series from season 4 - what's the point?


Another nod of agreement here. I regret to say, you'll notice this in a lot of the fourth season. It's still beautifully written and acted, but you might want to turn down the sound and use captions for dialogue clarity, if you don't use captions already. The music gets very overweening at times.

I don't know what happened. In earlier seasons I thought the judicious use of fitting music was one of the show's strong points.

"Oh, I'll be polite. Right up until I'm rude."


I get what you are saying, but the one saving grace is that the music was just so amazingly good. Hats off to Gabriel Mann for a beautiful soundtrack.
