MovieChat Forums > Rectify (2013) Discussion > Do i need to start from Season 1 ?

Do i need to start from Season 1 ?

Just saw the high ratings for this show on metacritic so was wondering whether I need to start watching from Season 1 or can I jump directly to Season 4 and watch ?


Absolutely start from season 1. You will still enjoy other seasons if you don't, but the added context and history will really give you the full Rectify experience (which is a gift from the Heavens).

"If it doesn't make sense, it's not true." -- Judge Judy


Considering that it follows a narrative through line, most definitely start from season one. Your attitudes toward certain characters will evolve over time and it will sneak up on you.


without a doubt,
it is only 30 episodes...and most are only 45 minutes.
season 4 might be critically the best rated,
but season 1 has 90 % on RT, season 2 95% on RT season 3 100%
skipping any you would lose very important parts of the story,
even missing the first episode, there is a certain plot point that even viewers miss


Do yourself a favor and start from season 1. You would miss too many great moments if you don't. Just my opinion of course.



Begin at the beginning or do not bother. Of course you CAN start in a later season, no one can stop you, but there's just no point to it.

"Oh, I'll be polite. Right up until I'm rude."


There would very literally be absolutely no point to starting on season four. This isn't a show you watch to find out "what happened" . Or maybe you do, a little. But mostly it's a story about a journey.


watching season 4 you would just be like WTF? who are all these names,
especially on netflix with no scenes from previously on rectify

i actually watched it again in the weeks leading up the finale as a refresher


You can start at the Gelato scene in season 4. Every other scene in this series is optional


I am never eating gelato again.

"Oh, I'll be polite. Right up until I'm rude."


Everybody's picking on the gelato. Y'all talk as much about coffee grinds, precisely because they were applied in a decidedly un-positive scenario. Yet you're all still sipping your perc, aren't ya?

"You must not judge what I know by what I find words for." - Marilynne Robinson


When did I complain about coffee grounds?

"Oh, I'll be polite. Right up until I'm rude."


My joke bombed. That can happen. See, no one complains about coffee grounds. If I ever want to make food crucial to a turn in a tale, I think safest to use it in anger, in a kinked kind of way. Have a character drizzle melted gelato on someone to teach them a lesson, and there will be no complaints. Delight them with its taste to teach a lesson, very risky. They don't teach this stuff in screenwriting manuals. You can only learn it from trial and error. Hopefully somebody else's.

"You must not judge what I know by what I find words for." - Marilynne Robinson


I like gelato. There' a lovely little gelato place on Charles Street in Boston. When visiting the area from my hometown of Grand Island, Nebraska, we would stop at the gelato place after seeing the Make Way for Ducklings sculptures.

However, on Rectify, the gelato scene was overblown and took up too much time. But it indicated how young Chloe actually was, to get all hyper about gelato. Can't you get it in Nashville or something? We get it here in Nebraska, many miles away from Boston.


it indicated how young Chloe actually was, to get all hyper about gelato.

I have to wonder. Was it her youth or the pregnancy hormones? Those hormones can be downright wicked. 


Ha ha, yeah. I have NEVER eaten it, because it's like I replied in a thread, at the time, I'm not much into sweets. But now curiosity has got the better of me and I'll have to buy it next time I shop at the grocery store. One thing is for sure though: I'll never think of gelato without thinking of Rectify. 😜


which Gelato Cartel do you work for Makarov!!!
