Costume DLC ideas?

What do you think would be good costumes for them to include for each character? Here are my ideas.

Superman (Man of Steel costume)

Batman (The Dark Knight Rises)

Green Lantern (Green Lantern movie)

It's been confirmed that Green Arrow will be getting his costume from his TV Series Arrow in the game.

Catwoman (The Dark Knight Rises)

Nightwing (Arkham City)

Harley Quinn (Arkham City)

As for additional characters I would like to see....

Martian Manhunter






I love the fact that Green Arrow will be getting the costume from the TV series, because I actually really like that far as the other ones I'm not so sure yet. I like the idea of Nightwing getting his Arkham City costume, but at the same time it looks kinda similar to what he already has in Injustice.

And as far as I know Sinestro is actually going to be a playable fighter, as well as Hawkgirl.


Scarecrow would be cool with his "violent dancing". He does make a mini appearance though, so that's awesome. I want to see Poison Ivy, Two Face, and Mr.Freeze.

Lestatics # 3


Nightwing needs his Disco costume.

"I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.
I do not think that they will sing to me."


Ah, yes, the old Teen Titans outfit. Disco Pimp Grayson.


Here are ones i'd like to see happen for Injustice's future DLC costume options.

* - "The Crime Syndicate's" - Costumes for the 5 members of the JLA; Superman (Ultraman's Costume) Batman (Owlman's Costume), Wonder Woman (Superwoman's Costume) The Flash (Jonny Quick's Costume), Green Lantern (Power Ring's Costume).

* - "Shazam". - Captain Marvel's Post-Crisis Era costume. (So he can finally ditch the hood appearance)

* - "Nightwing". - Classic Robin costume. (It'll look kinda weird on an older Dick Grayson, but it has to be in there)

* - "Ares" - Post-Crisis DC comics appearance Costume (George Perez's Wonder Woman series)

* - "Justice League members" - The Justice Lords Costumes (From the Justice League animated series)

* - "Superman" - Christopher Reeve's Superman movie Costume's (included Superman 3's darker evil version)

* - "Superman" - Kingdom Come Costume

* - "Batman" - Michael Keaton's 1989 Batman movie Costume.

* - "Batman" - Arkham City Costume

* - "Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)" - Parallex Costume (blatantly needs to be an option here in this game)

* - "Aquaman" - Post-Crisis '86 series 'Blue Camouflage Costume'. jpg

* - "Wonder Woman" - Red Cape, Battle Axe, helmet and warrior garb (George Perez Post-Crisis series look).

* - "Wonder Woman" - 1960's comic book series 'Diana Prince; White jumpsuit' and shades costume. (a nod to one of her infamous changes)

* - "Black Adam" - Classic costume with his 52 series 'Black Cape' (When he was married to Isis).

* - "Raven" - Classic comic book appearance.

* - "Catwoman" - Batman Return movie costume option.

* - "Bane" - The Dark Knight Rises movie Costume.

* - "Deathstroke" - Green Lantern TV series costume.

* - "Cyborg" - 80's Pre-Crisis era smooth; Teen Titans looking appearance.

* - "Killer Frost" - Crisis Of Infinite Earth's costume (She should also have her cutscene's 'sword' as an optional weapon of usage in gameplaying.)

* - "The Flash" - Flashpoint Costume (Flashpoint costumes available for other characters in that comic series but not the protagonist of that series itself? thats very odd?)

* - "Solomon Grundy" - Smooth hulking muscular appearance (without the spikes and whatnot on him.) i.e his; black suit and tie suit. pg

* - "Lex Luthor" - Slender Pre-Crisis Battlesuit (original George Perez version).

* - "Hawkgirl" - Justice League Animated series costume.

DLC characters


* - Martian Manhunter

* - Red Tornado

* - Black Canary

* - Azrael

* - Red Hood

* - Katana (Given she'll also be in; "Beware Of The Batman" it'll be a neat tie-in to that series as well?)

* - Firestorm (Jason Rusch)

* - Rocket Red

* - Animal Man

* - Orion

* - Black Lightning

* - Blue Beetle

* - Plastic-Man

* - Captain Atom

* - Powergirl


* - Darkseid

* - Monarch

* - The Time Trapper

* - Trigun

* - Major Force

* - Atrocitus

* - Krona

* - Parasite

* - Eclipso

* - Artemis

* - Lady Shiva

* - Ra Al Ghul

* - Vandal Savage

* - Reverse Flash

* - General Zod


Name's Django, The "D" is silent.


For Costumes:
if they're not gonna put the red hood, at least make him night wing's alternate costume, and His "Apprentice costume"(Teen Titans.)
Deathstroke: The actual teen titans outfit since the one they had looks nothing like from the show.
Doomsday(Death of superman)

And as for characters:
Martian Manhunter
Gorilla Grodd
The Spectre
The Dark Archer
Ra's Al Gul
