Here are ones i'd like to see happen for Injustice's future DLC costume options.
* - "The Crime Syndicate's" - Costumes for the 5 members of the JLA; Superman (Ultraman's Costume) Batman (Owlman's Costume), Wonder Woman (Superwoman's Costume) The Flash (Jonny Quick's Costume), Green Lantern (Power Ring's Costume).
* - "Shazam". - Captain Marvel's Post-Crisis Era costume. (So he can finally ditch the hood appearance)
* - "Nightwing". - Classic Robin costume. (It'll look kinda weird on an older Dick Grayson, but it has to be in there)
* - "Ares" - Post-Crisis DC comics appearance Costume (George Perez's Wonder Woman series)
* - "Justice League members" - The Justice Lords Costumes (From the Justice League animated series)
* - "Superman" - Christopher Reeve's Superman movie Costume's (included Superman 3's darker evil version)
* - "Superman" - Kingdom Come Costume
* - "Batman" - Michael Keaton's 1989 Batman movie Costume.
* - "Batman" - Arkham City Costume
* - "Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)" - Parallex Costume (blatantly needs to be an option here in this game)
* - "Aquaman" - Post-Crisis '86 series 'Blue Camouflage Costume'. jpg
* - "Wonder Woman" - Red Cape, Battle Axe, helmet and warrior garb (George Perez Post-Crisis series look).
* - "Wonder Woman" - 1960's comic book series 'Diana Prince; White jumpsuit' and shades costume. (a nod to one of her infamous changes)
* - "Black Adam" - Classic costume with his 52 series 'Black Cape' (When he was married to Isis).
* - "Raven" - Classic comic book appearance.
* - "Catwoman" - Batman Return movie costume option.
* - "Bane" - The Dark Knight Rises movie Costume.
* - "Deathstroke" - Green Lantern TV series costume.
* - "Cyborg" - 80's Pre-Crisis era smooth; Teen Titans looking appearance.
* - "Killer Frost" - Crisis Of Infinite Earth's costume (She should also have her cutscene's 'sword' as an optional weapon of usage in gameplaying.)
* - "The Flash" - Flashpoint Costume (Flashpoint costumes available for other characters in that comic series but not the protagonist of that series itself? thats very odd?)
* - "Solomon Grundy" - Smooth hulking muscular appearance (without the spikes and whatnot on him.) i.e his; black suit and tie suit. pg
* - "Lex Luthor" - Slender Pre-Crisis Battlesuit (original George Perez version).
* - "Hawkgirl" - Justice League Animated series costume.
DLC characters
* - Martian Manhunter
* - Red Tornado
* - Black Canary
* - Azrael
* - Red Hood
* - Katana (Given she'll also be in; "Beware Of The Batman" it'll be a neat tie-in to that series as well?)
* - Firestorm (Jason Rusch)
* - Rocket Red
* - Animal Man
* - Orion
* - Black Lightning
* - Blue Beetle
* - Plastic-Man
* - Captain Atom
* - Powergirl
* - Darkseid
* - Monarch
* - The Time Trapper
* - Trigun
* - Major Force
* - Atrocitus
* - Krona
* - Parasite
* - Eclipso
* - Artemis
* - Lady Shiva
* - Ra Al Ghul
* - Vandal Savage
* - Reverse Flash
* - General Zod
Name's Django, The "D" is silent.