MovieChat Forums > Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013) Discussion > In reality,Joker wouldn't qualify for an...

In reality,Joker wouldn't qualify for an Asylum

In reality,Joker wouldn't qualify for an Asylum.

Joker has been in and out of Arkham Asylum many times in the Batman universe.But he doesn't actually QUALIFY for an Asylum.

You see the Joker is a psychopath,but he's not "psychotic".

"Psychotic" is a mental disorder of which the symptoms are:Auditory hallucinations(hearing voices),Visual hallucinations(seeing things that aren't really there),schizophrenia,depression.

Now the Joker doesn't display ANY of these symptoms,so he's OBVIOUSLY not psychotic.He certainly has a lack of empathy,but technically he's not insane.

Besides,"insane" is more of a legal term than a psychiatric or medical one.

Only 1% of murderers plead guilty as to insanity and only about 20% of these are found to be insane.

I should have known those alien maggots booby trapped this sub.
