Injustice cutscenes in story/quest mode
Seriously would make for a neat CGI animated series if Warners opted for such a thing.
Let's Play Injustice Gods Among Us Chapter 2 - Green Lantern "Sinister Evil"
Let's Play Injustice Gods Among Us Chapter 3 - Aquaman "Evil Clone"
Let's Play Injustice Gods Among Us Chapter 4 - The Joker "Jokes All Around"
Injustice Gods Among Us 2013 The Movie full Story All cinematics and cutscenes HD 1080p R=1
Smoother and sharper animation plus some make tweaks and these cutscenes minus the gameplay footage could've been taken from any CGI TV series on cartoon network. its a real pity Green lantern was cancelled, as a CGI Justice League series with these visuals i'm sure plenty of fans would've minded at all if they made a new series with the JLA characters.
What do you fans out there think of this? Agree or disagree!
Name's Django, The "D" is silent.