Lex Luthor cheats like a mofo

The STAR Labs missions are a mixed bag of welcome challenges and mindless frustrations but one challenge is flat out broken.

It's one of Doomsday's and he has to defeat lex, except Lex will periodically charge up a laser strike that will kill an entire life bar. You need to pound away at lex while he stops to do this to deplete a damage bar (completely separate from his lifebar)before his laser strike is set up to prevent being killed in two hits.

That would be challenging enough, except due to what can only be considered a diabolically evil glitch, Lex usually stops preparing his missile strike and just starts blocking and fighting me, using the extra damage bar as extra life for him, while also being given the perks of being armored. Supermoves also stop counting if it comes near this state of lex invincibility.

So basically this mission is unbeatable for me because Lex cheats. Has anyone else had this issue?

"I am the cheese,I am the best character. I am better than both the salami and bologna combined"


I had the same problem. Ended up taking me 45 minutes but I eventually beat it. Take a break from it for a while and do some more missions. Then come back to it.


Haha I did, several times. It's one of the last 3 STAR labs missions I haven't beaten. The other 2 are the insanely irritating Backwards Nightwing sneaking one and Black Adam's impossible ice storm killer Frost Shazam guantlet. All of these have been come back to several times by now unfortunately. It may be more frustrating that going online and fighting several Deathstroke gun spammers
in a row.

"I am the cheese,I am the best character. I am better than both the salami and bologna combined"
