There are a lot of mixed and disappointing aspects to this adaptation of the stage musical. But one thing I thought was terrific was Blunt, and her climactic musical monologue "Moments in the Woods." She could not have been better.
Indeed she was and she made it even harder to see her die. Who'd have thought that Disney would have the balls to kill off the leading lady in one of their films, especially when it's Emily Blunt, but that's what delivered the film's bittersweet finish that brings light to fairy tales in their true bittersweet light and made it even sadder to see James Corden crying and later trying to comfort his child. That last moment of her appearing in spirit made it all the more touching for the film's finale and her delivery in that song was full of deep love and devotion on Blunt's part to remind us of the genuinely earthly person she was.
Disney actually softened her character's death. In the play, she doesn't simply tumble off a cliff accidentally, she's stomped by the dead giant's enraged mother.
I thought in the play she was crushed by a falling tree? That's how Jack finds her. Every time I've seen it performed actually her death hasn't been 100 percent clear and there's always been just a mysterious blackout
I think actually her death in the show has always been up to interpretation. The bottom line is the giant caused her death. That aspect in the film they stayed true to