MovieChat Forums > Into the Woods (2014) Discussion > Am I just old fashioned?

Am I just old fashioned?

As soon as the scene where the bakers wife had her little sleezy time in the woods with the prince.. And the song that followed that seemed to justify her "having a baby and a baker (husband) and a prince (mistress)" I totally shut down.

This isn't the first time something like this has happened to me. Whenever a woman in a movie is unfaithful to a nice guy with a charming or rich or seductive guy I get a terrible pit in my stomach.


There are tons of people on the board who are disapproving of this. It's to illustrate peoples' constantly looking for 'better'. Not happy with what they have, always want more. It's a constant concept in the show. Jack sings "and you think of all of the things you've seen and you wish that you could live in between" - and Cinderella says "My father's house was a nightmare and yours was a dream now I want something in between"


Ah ok. Funny, Cinderella just said that as I read your post. (I'm in the theater watching it as I write this)


(I'm in the theater watching it as I write this)

Now...maybe *I* am too old fashioned but I get pretty pissed off when people are farting around on their electronics while I'm watching a movie.


I was the only one in the theater. I wouldn't be on my phone otherwise. And I only went on my phone to expressly feelings about that scene, because I was that bothered by it, I had to get it off my chest there and then. On another note, if something that small really *beep* pisses you off then I feel very sorry for you, let things roll off your back, you'll live a better life. And don't be so quick to insult people.


Actually, I'm not comfortable with the cavalier way marriage is treated in many movies/tv shows. It's not necessarily a cheating wife, it can be a cheating hubby (I hated the Prince in this also) or even just someone in a long term or supposedly 'exclusive' relationship. Yes, I probably AM old fashioned, but I don't think that's a bad thing.

I also think that texting or anything like that that will disturb others in the movie theatre is pretty bad and shouldn't be tolerated.


Laughing out loud! You actually just used "farting around" in a sentence?! I'm sorry but I have to put you in a new line. Laughing out loud so much again.


You're an *beep* then. When you go to the movies watch the damn movie. It's so freaking rude to be on your phone/laptop/tablet while other people are trying to watch a film.

Joseph Chastainme


I was the only one in the theater. I wouldn't have otherwise. Don't through around insults so willy nilly. It makes you look ignorant.


Still, you should have actually been paying attention, then YOU wouldn't seem so ignorant.

Joseph Chastainme


So now I'm ignorant? Jesus Christ... You get attacked for anything online nowadays. I'm so sorry for sharing my views with the board! Now kindly move on with your life.


No, it's not justifying her actions, in fact she's thinking through what she did and she recognizes that it was wrong. The Baker's Wife always had a fascination with royalty, hence her reaction every time the Prince came riding through the Woods or her wanting to know more when she first encountered Cinderella.

She starts to think that it could be possible, have her family and possibly have the her encounters with the Prince (for whatever), not that she might ever really see him again. But then she realizes the Woods entice people, she had her moment and now is more thankful for her family then she might have been before. Sure, she loved the Baker but she had a fascination and love for how royalty lives and now that she's "experienced" what it could be like, she now loves her current life more. So, I don't see it as justifying her actions, she talked herself through it and came to a conclusion. You should probably look up the song and read the lyrics just to see. But different interpretations. It's called "Moments in the Woods"

Let the moment go...
Don't forget it for a moment, though.
Just remembering you've had an "and",
When you're back to "or",
Makes the "or" mean more
Than it did before.
Now I understand-

And it's time to leave the woods.


Oh ok! Thanks for explaining. I guess you're right... Still felt weird during that scene though lol


Thanks for these thoughtful replies, guys.

PancakeConnoisseur, there's nothing wrong with being old-fashioned where loyalty and fidelity and commitment are concerned. I wish you lived in my neighborhood.

Meryl Streep is a shape-shifter.


Thank you



When did I ever say I didn't hold the prince responsible too? But if you watch the scene again the bakers wife clearly could have objected more than she did. She embraces him several times, closes her eyes and lets him kiss her, even kisses him back! Throwing around those serious accusations should be a crime. I'm in no way sexist or in a sexist culture/community. I simply have virtues like loyalty and fidelity. Don't be such a jerk to people you don't know.



Joseph Chastainme


Now...maybe *I* am too old fashioned but I get pretty pissed off when people are farting around on their electronics while I'm watching a movie.

What this guy says.


was the only one in the theater. I wouldn't be on my phone otherwise. And I only went on my phone to expressly feelings about that scene, because I was that bothered by it, I had to get it off my chest there and then. On another note, if something that small really *beep* pisses you off then I feel very sorry for you, let things roll off your back, you'll live a better life. And don't be so quick to insult people.


Ah ok. Funny, Cinderella just said that as I read your post. (I'm in the theater watching it as I write this)

Why the hell are you posting here instead of watching the movie that you probably paid ten bucks to see???

In my case, self-absorption is completely justified.


I didn't miss any of the movie while posting here. There was no one else in the theater... So...... No harm no foul, right?


The song didn't justify her infidelity, in fact it did the exact opposite. She expresed regret and realized that she'd made a mistake.

The line about having a "baker and a child and a prince" was followed by an emphatic "NEVER" - indicating she knew that was the wrong way to go.

She made a mistake. She repented. She was going to go back to her husband and never stray again because now she appreciated what she had and didn't want the prince any more.


art and music are up for interpretation.

to me, the never meant that itd never work. and thus, she goes back to reality. that doesnt mean she loves the baker any more, she is just more in tune with what is important for her. she has a child who needs her and a husband who loves her, but she could always long for her moment in the woods, letting it remain a fantasy than a reality.

and life is very much like this. and as the woods represent the obstacles of real life, be it death, divorce, or any other form of heartache, we must continuously face those fears with hopes of obtaining something greater. this hope, or unattainable happily ever after, is much better than the false happily ever after experienced at the end of the first act, because its entire purpose is to always be beyond our reach. it is the chase that we cherish and not the end result.


Old-fashioned? Maybe. Too moralistic for your own good? Definitely. As other posters have pointed out, the Baker's Wife strayed briefly, realised what she really wanted and then decided to return to her family. That's not particularly scandalous. Certainly not scandalous enough to shut down over...

Unless you were cheated on. Then I suppose I see why you would take it personally.

"Don't you dare Google me!"


Very good point. I've had 4 out of 6 relationships end with the girl cheating on me. I'm sure that has a lot to do with how I perceive that scene. Thank you!


You're not supposed to feel good or happy about the dalliance with the Prince. Just as if you saw a character you liked robbing a bodega or hitting their significant other, you wouldn't feel happy about it, you wouldn't feel good about it, but you'd look for its significance in the story. It's the same here. Rather than getting upset that the Baker's Wife and Cinderella's Prince cheat on their spouses, look at why it happens and its significance in the whole. And part of the tragedy is that right after she realizes what's more important than a handsome prince (her husband), she falls off a cliff and dies. She's not perfect, but she's trying, under extreme circumstances, to figure out the best thing to do.


Life experiences can definitely effect how we judge situations. My marriage ended when my exwife went cavorting with an addict ex boyfriend. Unlike the Baker's Wife, however, she did not see the error of her ways. This behavior has changed my reactions and made things very real for me while reading many books and seeing many movies/plays. To quote Into the Woods, "you are not alone." haha
