awful awful awful awful

With that line of cast, this movie was awful. It hurt to keep watching it until the end. Not only the weird storyline, but also the forged musical, and horrible acting.
How the hell it could get 3 nominees in oscar?? And a nominee for meryl streep? God she's horrible here. She's failed at making me care about her character. She is seriously overrated in Hollywood. The only good acting that made me care is Jack. His acting beat all the other a list actors.


I must be the only person on earth who LOVES this movie. I also love the original stage version too.


Nope, you're not alone. I thought the movie was done very well, too. I honestly don't understand where these 1-star guys are coming from. This movie is nowhere near awful, and also, the singing is "unbearable"? Not at all. I'd say everyone involved performed very well, although Johnny Depp's singing was more of a channeling of his more raw Sweeney with a touch of Jack Sparrow, but it worked for the character.


I think many people who disliked it thought it would be a fun, fairy-tale based, musical romp in the woods. If they had seen the play, they would have known that Act I sets us up for the much darker (my favorite) Act II. The play, IMO, was terrific and this movie conveyed a lot of its spirit.


I agree andrenmathers


The only musicals I love are The Producers and White Christmas. This was too much for me.


Yeah, must be difficult to actually have to think about what you're watching, huh...


You really didn't need to think during this movie. It was that dumb.


So, please do talk to me about how the music connected certain characters to each other. Please do tell me about the themes of parent/child relationships. Please explain what the film had to say about the imperfection of people.

I'm gonna go ahead and guess that you saw something dumb because you weren't thinking. But lots of analyses have already been done on topics, characters, and music in this story for years and years.


One of the most common arguments for why this movie isn't bad seems to be "others have spoken about this movie before". When people talk about good movies the argument is along the lines of "xy did his/her character really well", "the plot was really good", "the characters developed with the plot", "the music were enticing" and so on... though I quite understand why no one says any of that about this movie.

Besides, you are wrong. Analyses haven't been done for years and years. This movie came out 2014; that's two years, hardly years and years. Sure, it might be a new adaptation of a musical that have existed for many years, and that in turn is based on Grimms stories which in turn are based on folk lore passed down the generations... but what we are talking about is this movie and quite a lot of people seems to dislike plot, music and characters.

I personally had nothing against the music; even if all weren't great singers. I generally find that perfect voice isn't always suiting for all characters and situations.

So, what did the music say about the implied imperfections?

We have the making out song in the woods were the prince who married the girl that won his heart, his true bride decides, for no apparent reason, to seduce the bakers wife. The bakers wife who around 50 min into the movie has a duett with the baker about how great things have become and how great they are together and has no scenes after that that shows affection has faded decides to go along with it. That isn't a sign of imperfections of the characters, that's an imperfection of the director and the screenwriter. The making out scene makes no sense at all, it's in direct conflict with both the characters involved; their previous songs and their previous actions does not lead towards it. But STILL it could have worked if they had explained it afterwards; but nah, after that scene the prince disappears and the bakers wife disappears from the story as well.
The goal of a good movie should NOT be to emphasize the imperfections of the makers of the movie.


I honestly like the latest Les Miserables. Great acting and great singing.


This movie is horrible and the singing is almost unbearable.

The universe isn’t evil, John, it’s just indifferent.


I agree. This is one of the least enjoyable movies I've ever watched.
The music was a bit too much, but the storyline was worse...

*Spoilers - So the Bakers wife is so intent on lifting a curse so that they can have a child; she gets her baby, then cheats with Cinderella's prince (who Cindi doesn't end up with) and the wife dies before even getting back to her child and husband. It was all weird and nothing really worked out. It didn't seem like a Disney movie at all and didn't fit their own stories (like their own Cinderella movie).


You do realize that the whole point of this story is to undermine traditional fairy tales? It doesn't seem in line with the traditional Disney versions of fairy tales, because it was designed to show the flaws in those kinds of stories. A lot of people, in fact, were quite surprised when Disney chose to produce the movie in the first place, since the original stage show seemed to be the "anti-Disney" in terms of how it presented the stories we all know.


No it was not AWFUL.Tracy Ullman, Meryl Streep, Christine Baranski were really great. It was a movie musical based on a Broadway play. If you went in thinking it was going to be more or less then that... then of coarse you would be confused and or disappointed. That said, I thought it was good not great but entertaining. James Corden and Emily Blunt were impressive.


That's no excuse. This film can't please anyone. It can't please fans and non-fans alike.

Want three steaks?... My mistake. Four steaks. 
