MovieChat Forums > Into the Woods (2014) Discussion > Meryl ruins it for me....

Meryl ruins it for me....

The witch has the best songs and Meryl is a travesty, she ruins the last midnight. Bernadette where were you???? Why couldnt it have been her? Im so sick of people making Meryl out to be a great actress...she reminds me of cybill shepard....egotistical trash.


Meryl sang great it was flawless she hits those high notes perfectly.


Really at this point it has been proved a billion times that Meryl Streep is a truly great actress. It's more of a fact now. So people who doubt this probably don't know much about real acting/ hate her because she's on top since forever/ are bitter because they like another actress more and would want her to get the same opportunities as Meryl/ are blind Trump supporters.


She's really below average at singing, though.


Meryl is BETTER than Bernadette. She's more serious and not as goofy.


Them's big words there. I loved Meryl in the movie, but I wouldn't pit her against Bernadette. She defined the role in many ways, particularly since the role grew from a small supporting character to a diva lead after she was cast and material was written with her in the room.


My word is law. She's better than Bernadette.

I love you, Kristen Stewart. :) You are so beautiful and talented. I would love to perform with you.


Your word is opinion. The two gave very different performances for very different mediums. And, as they both have experience on stage and in films, I'm sure Bernadette would give a different performance on film than her stage performance, just as I'm sure that Meryl would give a different performance on stage than she did in the film.

But why bash one in favor of the other?
