Fake Wars

The Vietnam War was based upon the "Gulf of Tonkin attacks". Paper were released in 2010 that prove that Senators, LBJ, McNamara all knew that the 2nd attack was a falsehood. It never occurred. Nonetheless, LBJ started up the war.

Now we have Iraq. This war was started on the falsehood that Arabs bombed the World Trade Center Buildings. When in fact it was Mossad, the secret police of Israel who enabled the demolition of the buildings; warned 4000 Jews not to be at work, and even provided actors with prepared script to be interviewed shortly thereafter giving details about how they "knew" the the jet fuel fire melted the steel girders of the building. These are professional actors who appear at other bombing events in the USA and are interviewed there. See Youtube for their original On screen on site interviews. One actor appeared at 4 different attacks.

Well, when you own news media, you can afford to hire false flag interviewees.


Easy on that YouTube Buddy, it will melt your mind if you let it


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Lol, You guys check out Demolition Ranch on youtube, he's my neighbor.
