War and Democracy

The USA's obsession with Democracy planting in other countries fails because of what? And with Globalism, how does this affect Democracy?

How can Democracy operate properly if Global corporations are manipulating local polititians with cash, pay to play?


How does handing over your job to a foreigner affect your performance and trust in Democracy?


Well, we're not performing well at all, China has given us so many loans over the years we owe them trillions and trillions of dollars, that is why when you watch a 1982 movie you see a lot of American-made material, such as RCA televisions nice wood desk beautiful furniture and so on and nowadays you watch a movie it is cheap junk made of plastic and all made in China and Japan and pouring into our countries and destroying our jobs and if they are good enough they move to other countries, like Ford this week, they announced they will be leaving America, look at the thousands of companies we have lost and it is getting worse by the minute. But the problem here is that as long as it doesn't affect mine and me then nobody seems worried about it. Until it comes knocking at your door and by then it's too late and it is too late to stop it right now.


Too late to stop it right now?

Then when do we stop it; and with whom as President?


We go over to Iraq to "fix them up with Democracy" and by our example, we lose our wealth and jobs to China. Why didnt we just hand Iraq over to China and let China take their oil directly?
