How America Promotes Slavery Today
I just came upon this book by chance in the library:
"Hillary's America" by Dinesh D'Souza 2016
Movie available on IMDB:
Oh boy, it cuts to the heart of the deceptions of the Democratic Party, Hillary, and the "progressives" through history. I will give you an example:
The Democratic Party promotes and promoted slavery during the 19th Century and they do so today. During the 19th Century, Jackson enslaved the Native Americans. "The following officials defined slavery and the use of it: Senators John C. Calhoun and Stephen Douglas, President James Buchanan, Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney, architect of the "Dred Scott" decision, and the main leaders of the Confederacy were all Democrats." (Page 59)
"The heroes of the black emancipation--from the black abolitionists Federick Douglass, to the woman who organized the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman, and Abraham Lincoln," were Republicans. (Page 59)
The Progressive Left has whitewashed American History of slavery. "How? Theiy have done it in two ways. The first is to take the crimes of the Democratic Party and blame them on America. Progressives today are quick to fault "America" for slavery and a host of other outrages. American did this, America did that. America didn't do those things, the Democrats did. So the Democrats have cleverly foisted their sins on America, and then presented themselves as the messiahs offering redemption for those sins. It's crazy, but it's also ingenious."
In other parts of the book: "President Obama had just issued an executive order curbing the ability of law enforcement officials to deport illegal immigrants. Hillary rush to Obama's defense, emphasizing why American needs illegals. 'We should all remember...that this is about people's lives. This is about, I would venture to guess, the people who9 served us tonight (in a hotel), who prepared our food tonight.' Hillary's Democratic sympathizers in the audience burst into spontaneous applause.
Hillary indeed 'made history' that evening because, without quite intending to, she revealed why she and many Democrats support illegal immigrantion. Her argument is that there is dirty work to be done and someone has to do it. In Hillary's mind, hotels like the Mandarian Oriental cannot maintain elegant rooms and serve 5 star cuisine without illegals cleaning the rooms, serving the food, and cleaning up afterward. One cannot, it seems, rely on Americans to do such jobs." (p. 66)
What interests me most here is the familiar attitude of superiority, condescension, and disdain. That was evident in the pro-slavery blather of the nineteenth century, and it was on full display at the Mandarian Oriental in November 2014. Democrats never change their stripes." (p 66)
I hope this attracts you to read this new book. I have only read a few pages and I find it most interesting. The Liberals have whitewashed and re-categorized and framed themselves long before we were born. It is time to go back to the roots to look at how we are being manipulated.
Oh, here is one more quote: "Slavery as a 'positive good'. Calhoun's "positive good' defense of slavery is laid out in a series of his speeches before the U.S. Senate. In an 1837 speech, Calhoun argued, 'There never has yet existed a wealthy and civilized society in which one portion of the community did not, in point of fact, live on the labor of the other.'
Calhoun went further, attacking the Declaration of Independanence and thus separating himself from Jefferson...." (p 76)
Here is another of my posts on this on IMDB: