MovieChat Forums > American Sniper (2015) Discussion > Overrated "Hoo-yah" American Nationalist...

Overrated "Hoo-yah" American Nationalist Patriotism, REEKING of Agenda

What a *beep* movie! Love Brad Cooper, but the writing sucks. And it's like traitors George Bush, Dick Cheney and their uber-wealthy "Oiligarch" greedmeisters spewing more disinfo false pride patriotism to con young men into giving their lives for nothing, while thinking they're doing the right thing killing third world innocents we turned into terrorists because of these evil men's greed.

This could have been a good movie, had Gale Anne Hurd produced and Kathryn Bigelow directed it. The film looks like they shot it in the Valley, and the acting is generally wooden as hell (except Coop), who could have been written as an interesting character, versus the murderer he was (while being called a hero). They should have exposed the fraud that was Iraq, and shown Kyle's conflict that made him so emotionally cold (although next to his wife, bitchily played by Elise Robertson, whose previous work mainly consisted of standard tv fare, was nearly as emotionally crippled as Coop's Kyle). And that's because Clint Eastwood, who can be a concise, understated Director at best, is clearly harkening back to WWII predilections that seem so out of place at this time. He's jumped the shark at this point in his career, and should have retired with Gran Torino or Million Dollar Baby, two of his best works.

The stilted, jumping and uneven story arc left me completely unsympathetic to ANY of the characters in this badly executed work. I can't even say what the theme was, other than the post-war destruction of our vets so few of the jaded and entitled American public ever seems to notice. And being that our values are so far gone at this point in America's history, perhaps that's the best we can hope for - an opiated detachment; uncaring and unsympathetic to the pain, fear, and horror ALL PEOPLE across the WORLD feel because of an unjust war brought to their door; all because of some cowardly political puppet of the ultra-rich. These “Bilderberger/ Illuminati/NWO Global Corporatists”, seeking to remain in control through the acquisition of great wealth (at any immoral and criminally unethical price), will use anyone willing to give up their life, in the pursuit of some fantasy ascribed by these human fungi.

Back to the film, the ending could have been a real honest tear-jerker, had we any real honest pride left in our country. Instead, because of the lies, the lies, and the LIES (and false bravado) by the 9/11 traitors in the executive branch, as well as the oil, military industrial complex, and banking executives (not to mention those greedy criminal PIGS like Lloyd Blankfein, Alan Greenspan and Larry Silvestein who stole $2.3 TRILLION dollars of OUR money); the murderous treason of men like George HW Bush (and his do nothing, good for nothing, moronic puppet son George W), Richard "Dickless" Cheney (and other war hawks), and the global corporatists including the Bin Laden Family, the Saudi Royals, World Bank, and Trilateral Commission, as well as those complicit in Media, government and Judicial branch, America has NO HONOR left.

While our veterans continue to be brainwashed and used by our illegal government, any patriotic film these days just reminds us of how despicable America's government has become. Then, when an actual patriot like Chris Kyle is killed by a comrade in arms after his last tour – by some emotionally damaged individual, who subconsciously knows how hypocritical his actions were, and how criminal and evil his superiors are, creating a psychosis in his soul - instead of realizing that the truth will out; the truth MUST come out, for America to find its way again, Eastwood panders to what Kyle could have been, should have been, and would have been, had America been attacked by actual enemies from abroad and not the true enemies who attacked us from within.

Shame on Eastwood for spoiling the story of Kyle that should serve as a warning to the next generation, that it is time to STOP SERVING these pathetic cowards drawn to political power, wealth beyond all decency, and perversion beyond all sense of morality - THEY are the TRUE ENEMY of humanity; not the Iraqis, not the Iranians, not the Syrians, not the Russians - it is Not the PEOPLE of the world we should be warring with, but rather those of the kind of wealth no single individual should ever behold.

It is time we declare a war on war, and wage love on one another. We must come together as a planetary species of unique cultures and identities, and use logic and reason, compassion and an unwavering ethical morality, as we take away the wealth and power from the few, distributing to all, yet remaining free from violence and faithful to the truth. ONLY then will we achieve the harmony and balance necessary for us to endure as a civilization into a grand future among the stars. Then, we can suppose the next time they release a movie like this - a nationalistic propaganda device of the kind Josef Goebbels was known for - full of empty bravado & bluster - no one goes and bankrupts the liars! Recalling the 70's public service message advocating peace, "suppose they gave a war, and no one came?" Now THOSE are the kinds of heroes we need now, not the empty-headed Manchurian Candidates who unquestioningly MURDER for some fat cat’s perverted agenda.


Vote Trump

Hillary is a puppet of Saudi Arabia.

Blame The Globalists, Elites, and the Establishment. Eisenhower warned us of the military industrial complex. They need war.

You left out the Rabbi who was comptroller at the Pentagon.

Israel wants us to weaken all Arab and Secular countries in the mideast.


try harder-and make more spaces.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


I dozed off again. I better not ever let you down Chuck Norris he's a religious hero.


Lol see the movie next time before you spout your left wing ignorance.


So where was the "bravado" in this movie?

I think your post was planned out propaganda designed to hit all the subjects. It was Marxist chaos making.


plagiarism is a sin, you zionist shill


ChazzJazz is the only one around here authorized to do Marxist Chaos Making.


What on earth are you talking about? Did you wear your tin foil hat today to stop the CIA mind control beams? Or did you get your cheque from Vladimir Putin/the Iranian/Syrian dictatorship to spread their propaganda whilst they slaughter their people?

This is a story of a true American hero who helped liberate the people of Iraq and killed hundreds of terrorists and YOU are not fit to lick his boots.

The same old tired conspiracy theories without a jot of evidence which had been disproved thousands of times, what is wrong with you that you just can't accept the truth? It's easier to think of home-grown villains isn't it? Than to accept that there are real bad guys out there who have to be fought?


These ignoramuses' replies prove my point: Americans are asleep, unthinking, emotionally crippled materialists, who are so bleeping lazy they'd never have been a part of the militias that created our country. Instead of keeping an open mind, and listening to someone else's perspective, doing me the dignity of having an alternative viewpoint, they fart out tired old missives that went stale before their parents were old enough to screw. The result is an uninterested, entitled and complacent public that doesn't deserve the Freedom America once offered, and so they voted for Trumpler because they bought his sales and dance routine. I'm laughing at how stupid the Republicans are for being bamboozled once again (and forget the Dems - they're nearly as corrupt - look at Killary - the WORST choice- should have been Bernie by a mile..

Those retards who try to label me a Dem or libtard are clearly stupid, as I am neither. Those who condemn me are anti-America (the REAL America that was overthrown when the greedy, vile pigs in the Military Oil Industrial Machine killed JFK), the rest are just ignorant uneducated fools. I GUARANTEE Trumpler is a liar - a part of that"0.01%" Billionaire Bastards that MUST be Banned, as NO one person should EVER control such wealth - a wealth that corrupts the good, turning any person into a megalomaniacal pervert.

And may GOD strike me dead if this isn't true.

I'm still here.


I'd look out for lightning strikes if I was you.

Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK and anything to the contrary is just whining from people who can't accept that the world is a random and nasty place and bad things happen to good people. It's easier for you to find a scapegoat than accept reality.

You didn't answer a single one of our points, you ably proved that you are a deluded liar.


You are so typically disinformed. You bought the propaganda, just like the German people bought the Goebbels nonsense. Trumpler is gonna make all you Repugs & Dems who voted him in look like Goddamn fools. MARK my words: he will not keep ONE promise; he'll fill the gov't with rich white puppets who will get richer as EVERYONE ELSE gets poorer. Perhaps in 4 years, you will understand who the REAL enemy is - and it isn't the Russians, the Iraqis, or the Iranians. Go back to your nachos & beer, and stay off the computer. It's only for those of us who actually know how to think, gasball.


Your whining doesn't change the reality of the world, wake up!


Bernie was conning people. There was no money for free college. Also, he may be "for" the middle class; but he had no path to save jobs by lowering taxes. Socialists cannot offer low taxes. They must charge 50 % plus tax rate. That wont keep businesses around. They will flee to Mexico.

Trump's solution is they one way to do it: low taxes at 15% and 35% tariff on imported goods.

The Left's tired song about how they are going to "take from the rich" give to the middle class and poor results in high taxes for businesses. They arent stupid; if businesses can leave, they will. In some cases it becomes survival for the business.

Trump is a hero.

The Establishment Republicans are different than Trump. Trump highjacked their party. Look for him to start a new party.

Both Demos and Repubs are controlled by Globalists and Elites (like George Soros). What the Elites want is low wages. Therefore they are for unlimited immigration. Only Nationalists want border walls to protect our wage levels.

The demos are bureaucracy scammers. They mske their money by working the system or selling favors and influence. The Blacks get nothing from the Demos.

Update your views. The war going on is a wage war. We must protect it or we will be making $.80 per hour like most in the world. Think it cannot happen? Sure.

Bernie cannot create Nationalism.


In a nutshell:

Demos want: High taxes, high wages

Repubs want: Low taxes; low wages

Globalists want: Low taxes; low wages

Trump wants: Low taxes; high wages

Both the Repubs and Demos and Globalists cannot satisfy wage earners today with their
model plans. The future is Trump.

Heavy socialism in America with censored speech and state owned housing will kill the American dream but give a floor to sleep on for the poor. Bernie's way is a Dreamy story that requires the businesses to stay in America. They wont. When you can pay an African $2 a day the attraction is too great for a hand craft business to move. Apparently, Ivanka Trump is moving her fashions, shoe making to Africa. China at $1.25 per hour is too high priced!!!!

Quit dreaming about Bernie. He was all talk, he didnt have the wealth to give away.


Also when you add on the expense of saving immigrants and giving them welfare, taxes go up. When taxes go up, businesses and their jobs flee.
This is why we need to build a wall and restrict immigration in America.

The Demos want everyone to believe that immigration restriction is only a racial issue. Worse, it is a nuts and bolts housing and jobs and quality of life issue.

As this truth becomes more known, The Demo party weakens and the Trump Train picks up speed.


Unfortunately, the data does not back up your claims - you are spouting propaganda. I'll stick with the FACTS, thank you.


why let facts get in the way of Zionist shill? :P


I don't even know what that means. If this is your logical approach, you are clearly malfunctioning. Seek professional help. Or go into politics, where ALL the liars end up.


Good luck with your Crusade, on a movie website.


I'll stick with the FACTS, thank you.

Why start now, you've never paid any attention to them before?


When taxes and wages go up, companies flee America. The data supports this loss of businesses and jobs. You are using typical mind mind limiting control statements already designed by leftist liars commonly found in the mainstream media none of which took economics.
