MovieChat Forums > 3 Days to Kill (2014) Discussion > Surprisingly didn't suck

Surprisingly didn't suck

Short of being too long and one too many scenes showing repetition, this was pretty decent. You just can't take it too seriously. I actually didn't mind the scenes with Costner and his daughter either and the action was cool. I just wish it was shorter and maybe carried an R rating for an added punch. Otherwise i enjoyed it. It's funny when he's about to torture a guy then he asks him for recipe.


agreed. I enjoyed the comedic elements.

I also liked the mixed scenes like the bike riding (teaching) and dinner scenes.

not sure about the opening credit scenes with the multiple screens ("windows")

I enjoyed it.


Agreed. I thought this film was going to be a plonker but was pleasantly surprised. This film isn't as bad as some say it is. A solid 7/10 from me.


Do you agree with me that in the beginning, Ethan doesn't know he has brain cancer. The building they were watching got blown to bits and he gets glass rained on him and knocked to the ground. Of course that hurts his ears, the grimace said as much. Then he does a great job of shooting into the roof as the escapees are making a run for it. Ethan goes after the Albino and looses steam BECAUSE OF HIS ILLNESS...this is to explain to all the numb nuts that say every time he chases someone he goes down. That would happen to any very ill person. It makes sense. So doctors tell him the countdown is on. The CIA callously says, "thanks but we don't need you now." What can he do but go to a place he calls home. He finds an unusual situation which is befuddling but makes the best of it. He wants to settle his affairs with estranged wife and kid. And of course there will be resentment because he can't explain to Zoey what he'd been doing and didn't want her to know right away about dying. I don't understand why these simple facts befuddle those who went to see this. It's not rocket science! I love this movie and I understand the way Ethan did his job, faced a dim diagnosis, went to his home and decided to reconnect. What else could he do? Think about these issues before you agree or disagree. I'm an author of several books myself. I do have some clues as to what makes a great story and I'm envious of this story. I wish I'd written it myself.



Right back atcha, biotch. SO BITE ME!


LOL u two....


Didn't suck, but not great. I am glad I didn't pay to see it in the cinema. A DVD rental price is fine though.

I thought the squatters were mostly an irrelevance, and the scene where he's teaching his daughter to ride the bike were cut up so much it annoyed me. The scene with the bus annoyed me too, one lane full of traffic, the other conveniently empty. So it was a little sloppy, but enjoyable. I think that's a Luc Besson thing.
