58 Minutes in,seen enough. Luc Besson, you should be ashamed of this.
Wow, what the hell was Costner thinking.
Is it because his phone isn't ringing enough that he has to sign on with turds like this?
Please send me all your script offers Kevin, I will make sure you don't have anymore missteps. All those nagging voices in your head that you heard when you thumbed through the script? You should have listened to them.
The juice this man had after Dances with Wolves. That he was able to somewhat recover after Water World, and now he does garbage like this.
Father/daughter subplot stupid. Not funny. Ringtone not funny. Bad hair not funny.
Amber Heard's character was completely unbelievable . Unimaginable that she had ascended higher in the CIA than Costner's character.
Bad sound. Nothing like hearing the echo of a production room or something. Completely ruins an outdoor scene when you hear their voices echoing.
Let's use the old he's been an absentee father cliche just one more time.
Costner needs to stay away from comedy, it's not his thing.
I honestly don't know what the point was with the family living in his apartment, but they seemed so much more like characters I'd like to know rather than the rest of the cast.
One last thing Besson. The father/daughter angle you keep trying to use. In the Professional it was downright creepy. It also fails here. Please stop now.