MovieChat Forums > 3 Days to Kill (2014) Discussion > why did they make Amber so ugly in begin...

why did they make Amber so ugly in beginning?

She looked hot with her makeup and wigs so why did they implant the ugly plain image of her in my head in the beginning? They should have edited out that while scene and introduced her in Paris when she first met Ethan.



Her clothes made her look like a stick figure and her face was extremely plain. Later on she looked like a super model. That whole scene was unnecessary anyway.


They made her look nasty all the way through.

Why? I dunno.


bro, as a heterosexual, she looked damn good in the beginning scene. She looked good all throughout the movie. I appreciated all the wardrobe changes they gave her. Especially since she was basically just eye candy for the whole movie.



This is one reason I thought "Paris" Amber was all in Costner's imagination. They were completely different characters.


They didn't MAKE her look ugly. They just showed her without make-up and in regular clothes.

The truth is most glamorous actresses/models/women in general look very plain and average without a pound of make-up on their faces and special "enhancements" under their clothes to make them look good.


At the beginning she was wearing work clothes, whereas the rest of the time she was in the field. She looked good in work clothes to, is where I differ from your opinion. She's beautiful except for the smoking.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


Because she was an entirely different personality in the first scene... simple MKULTRA. Google it, everyone saying that she was over-the-top. She was supposed to be.

"That's like putting your whole mouth right in The Dip!" - Seinfeld
