MovieChat Forums > 3 Days to Kill (2014) Discussion > Felt like a cheaply written Hong Kong fl...

Felt like a cheaply written Hong Kong flick....

The girl with the cigarette didn't even need this man. The cheezy cigarette in her hand along with huge plot holes.. Why the experimental drug twist? Just an awful movie with no satisfaction and literally felt like a B Hong Kong action flick remake along with the unsophistication for good character development or common sense..


How does one write something cheaply?

"That's like putting your whole mouth right in The Dip!" - Seinfeld


Hey Smokescreensemerge,

I tend to agree with your lack of favor for this film. I have long liked watching Costner, and I even liked watching him in this film at times, but this film just could not make it for me. The story might have been a good story if given a better chance, but the film never delivered in fulfilling the story. Sometimes I wondered if the director could not make up his mind if the film was to be a serious drama or a tongue-in-cheek comedy drama. As much as I like Costner, I also felt he was mostly going through the motions just to get the film finished and on to whatever came next.

Best wishes,
Dave Wile
