Yes, just when I thought this film couldn't get any more preposterous the African girl names her newly born baby girl 'Ethan'! Imagine if Besson had written the Costner character as a woman and the African squatter had a baby boy...
Jules: Sonia wants to call the baby... Dorothy.
[puts the baby into Renner's arms]
Dorothy Renner: It's a... well, you know Dorothy's a girl's name, don't you...?
Jules: No. It's the name of a great woman who didn't shoot us when she could, and that give us her home. She has chosen carefully. The name is perfect.
Dorothy Renner: Yeah, but... uh, won't the boy -
Jules [interupting]: Dorothy.
Dorothy Renner: Right, Dorothy. Won't Dorothy get... teased at school? You know, having a girl's name and everything? Kids can be very -
Jules [interupting again]: Pssht! Teased? What is this? This is nothing. I spit on 'teasing'. It will be character building. Have you forgotten the lesson we all learned in Johnny Cash's 'Boy Named Sue'? Now how about you go and iron my shirt?
Dorothy Renner [taking shirt from Jules]: Uh... sure, I guess...