I don't see much of a real comparison other than they both have wonderful central performances by females, and they both have dogs - they're vastly different. I enjoyed "Wendy and Lucy", Michelle Williams is excellent. "Tracks" is, so far this year, my favorite film of 2014, it really had an impact on me, it stuck with me, and it also has an epic quality far different from "Wendy and Lucy". Mia Wasikowska is great in the film. I don't see what advantage "Tracks" would have by having a male director. Whatever his gender, John Curran is quite accomplished - have you seen "The Painted Veil"? I also don't see how it's an advantage, that "Tracks" had a female cinematographer, other than she was Mandy Walker, who happens to be brilliant. I highly recommend "Tracks", you should check it out for yourself.
I brought up gender to counter the popular notion that Tracks is a chick flick meant for female audiences. To me it didn't feel like a chick flick at all. I still can't put my finger on it, but the only tangible reason I can think of is the fact it was directed by a guy.
Speaking of John Curran, I have enjoyed The Painted Veil (8/10) and Stone (8/10) and I'm surprised to see myself voting another high score for Tracks (9/10). They are very different films but all very engaging.
"Speaking of John Curran, I have enjoyed The Painted Veil (8/10) and Stone (8/10) and I'm surprised to see myself voting another high score for Tracks (9/10). They are very different films but all very engaging."
I just watched "The Painted Veil" again the other night, it's really beautifully done. As far as the central female character and her relationship to her dog, you might enjoy this pic of the original Robyn Davidson and her dog, Diggity, next to Mia Wasikowska and her actor pooch.
So I watched Wendy and Lucy expecting it to be a complete epic of them travelling together to Alaska, only to be disappointed that the entire film took place in a rural Oregon town... It wasn't a bad movie but felt a very average low-budget indie (7/10). I prefer Tracks for its cinematography and more uplifting quality.
So you mean which film about an inadequate and damaged person causing suffering to a dog is best? The film Wendy & Lucy is probably better because it doesn't portray willful & selfish cruelty. Tracks failed to condemn the cruelty, in fact it applauded it, it reflects badly on Australia.