MovieChat Forums > Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 (2013) Discussion > Anybody else prefers his Batman stories....

Anybody else prefers his Batman stories...? be just about Batman?

I mean, I don't want to start a debate about who is the best superhero, but not being a hardcore fan of superheros myself (I confess I have a very limited knowledge of the comics), I've always loved the concept of Batman and Gotham City because it's very different from what we see in other superheros stories. I love the darkness of the character and the city, I love that his stories involved more gangsters than super-villains, and mostly I love the fact that Batman is not really a superhero in the sense that he doesn't have super-powers (this must be why I really liked Nolan's take on the character).

This is why I generally avoid stories that involve Batman with other superheros like Superman (a character that I really dislike for being quite bland and mostly very dated in his concept, but that's just a personal point of view). Somehow I like seeing Batman as an independent universe, even if it's not the case.

And so, I was a bit disappointed by the presence of Superman in this 2nd part (and I was surprised, since I haven't read the original comic book), even if it was also pretty nice for me to see him depicted as some sort of obedient government pet.

Nonetheless, it was a great movie, but I was curious to see if anybody else felt the same about Batman, or if Batman fans are also generally fans of DC universe as a whole.


I had read the original, when it was originally serialized in four issues. Miller needed to use Supes for the story he was telling, first to contrast with Bruce's refusal to back down to the Feds; second to give those same Federales a weapon to use against Batman after he resurfaces.

"You seem familiar with my name, but I don't remember smelling you before."


Well, I was not arguing about the role of Superman is this particular story, you explained it really well. I was mostly stating how I personally feel about Batman universe and how I prefer it when it's completely independent of the other DC superheros.


I don't think Superman had that big of a role in it. He's not even in part 1.


Supermans presence in this makes the story iconic as it is. It was necessary. Sorry but you're wrong.
