MovieChat Forums > V/H/S/99 (2022) Discussion > Sorry V/H/S fans but this is baaaaaaad

Sorry V/H/S fans but this is baaaaaaad

So I've really enjoyed the previous films for the most part. Sure, there was the occasional dud segment but this? This is terrible.

An overview of the segments

1 star out of 5. I had to check I was watching the right film after a few minutes. Just bad. The only slightly worthwhile element was how cool the SPOILERS zombie band looked. Of course helped by the low light but I thought their faces were pretty creepy.

Suicide Bid
1 star out of 5. Just rubbish. Probably cost about $5 to shoot. Including the cost of the budget mask from a Halloween shop that was supposed to be this super scary woman. Yawn fest.

Ozzy's Dungeon
2 stars out of 5. Just lots of weirdness here. What was up with the morbidly obese woman taking her shirt off? Just wtf? I could tell they were trying to channel one of the older segments from a previous film but it just fell flat. It had enough weirdness to keep me watching.

The Gawkers
2 stars out of 5. One star for each boob. But seriously, low effort rubbish with terrible CGI.

To Hell and Back
2.75 stars out of 5. Yeah. I'm doing fractional stars. Get over it. I think this is nearly worth 3 stars. Interesting idea but it just felt really cheap. Really cheap looking props etc.


Yeah not great, i thought the Suicide bid section had a bit of promise until the cgi girl showed up


I'll be checking it out soon along with V/H/S Viral which I never got around to watching.

Reviews for this one are all over the place, quite a few saying it's the worst yet. Many others saying it's better than Viral & 94.


It's been a while since I watched Viral but I seem to recall enjoying it OK.

Yeah. I was surprised to see some of the high reviews for this. I'd certainly be interested in your take on it considering you are bang on about the Terrifier films.


It was alright, just alright lol. I checked out ‘94 and this one is slightly better than that actually. Viral I didn’t care for. But the first two films were great!


Didn't like Shredding and Ozzy's Dungeon much, but the other 3 segments were pretty decent. It seemed like they had a very low budget to work with, given how campy a lot of the effects were. With some better graphics and effects, it would've been much better visually, which is what it mostly fell short on.

Overall, not a bad movie at all. Rating it a generous 6.5 for the other 3 segments alone.

Happy Halloween!


Only have seen the first segment. I get the Jackassery but it’s too obnoxious. The vhs effects were too much, too.

Lol, the “fuck fascist filmmakers” title card or whatever at the beginning was cringey, very junior high. Then the toy soldiers and the band segment… this series has become Nickelodeon horror. The cheap stop motion is very Nick.

The band segment did have some potential and there were some well done aspects. The characterizations of the 8 musicians were just off-putting. The music wasn’t terrible, though, and the makeup effects were good. The story itself didn’t add up to much. Why the hell would Ankur hang out with those cunts, by the way? They should have showed some more moments where they weren’t so shitty to him.

Hopefully it improves but if it does it begs the question: why put the stinker first?

Edited to add: The second one started off spoopy and got creepy. I don’t like enclosed spaces so maybe that’s it but it’s definitely effective. Very satisfying in a Point Horror/Pan way.


This one feels like the creators of the first one let their little brothers play with their toys. All of them have potential but are marred by some annoying characters, graphics, or endings.

The game show one’s ending was just cheap and nonsensical. The morbidly obese woman… not sure what the point of her was. Weirdness for weirdness’ sake, maybe. At least the actress delivered. Speaking of fat women, what was up with the lethargic fat white women in the audience near the black family. I kept expecting her complete non-engagement was gonna be relevant. Was she just a bored extra?

I will say that segment did have the look of the show down pat.


I can't remember exactly but with the pans to the audience and the boy vs the girl, it was very obvious to me they were hinting at some sort of race stuff.


Definitely. Like “the white kid gets special treatment.”

The weirdest thing about the movie is the morbidly obese actress. Not her character or performance just her presence.


"The morbidly obese woman… not sure what the point of her was."

I figured with her coughing up a lung that the twist was going to be she had lung cancer or something and the daughter's wish was going to be for her mother to be healthy again, but that was not the case. I may be misunderstanding it completely, but it looked to me like the little boy broke her leg on purpose to get ahead. Yet he and his family got off scot-free and the racist, condescending host got all the punishment.


The first segment "Shredding" was probably the worst segment out of all the V/H/S movies. "Suicide bid" and "The Gawkers" both had a lot of potential until the creatures showed up. I was probably most entertained by "ozzy's dungeon" but it felt so out of place for a V/H/S segment. The reason the first movies were so great was the attempt to make them look as if some strange shit was accidently recorded on VHS tapes. They need to take that concept back to the drawing board for the next one. I have some hope for the next one as director David Bruckner is coming back.


Suicide Bid was the only story I liked all the way through. It felt like an '80s slasher film with the "prank gone wrong" element and would be a good feature length movie if they ever want to go that route. I feel like Shredding, Ozzy's Dungeon, and The Gawkers all have good setups and start out good, but go off the rails by the end. To Hell and Back I didn't care for at all and was just ready for the movie to be over by then, but I forced myself to get through it.


I liked that one (Suicide Bid) best as well. When that poor girl opened the box they gave her and it was spiders, I just thought "aww, that's ***ked up!" man.

"Gawkers" was okay, but that's the first time I've seen a Medusa/Gorgon who can turn it on and off by will. Usually it's a curse. Would have been better if it was still some kind of curse and it was activated by her getting sexually turned on. One of the kids could have tried to put the moves on her, and that led to his doom.

The last was was at least ambitious, I'll give it that. But overall I'm giving this a 4 or 5 out of 10.
