MovieChat Forums > Please Like Me (2013) Discussion > Absolutely hilarious and one of 2015's b...

Absolutely hilarious and one of 2015's best shows

Nothing gets to the heart of Please Like Me’s joy like the opening credits. Unlike most shows, the visuals change from week to week. In general, they feature the preparation of food, always accompanied by Clairy Browne & the Bangin’ Rackettes’ “I’ll Be Fine”. These celebratory bursts of emotion are only one side of the series, however. What makes Please Like Me the best show of 2015 is how well it incorporates sadness with the moments of happiness. Depression has been central to the show from the beginning, but this season added further, less pronounced disappointments to the mix. Through coming out to gruff parents, abortion and separation, Please Like Me’s third season often got at the difficulties of life. The season ends on one of those downbeats. This might be the best show about friendship from any year, because it understands how complex and difficult those relationships can be. Our ties to one another make life nearly impossible to comprehend, and even appreciate at times. But they also make those challenging moments worth getting through, just for the people on the other side and the cardboard villages we all make together. Perhaps no scene clarifies both sides of that equation more than a sing-along to Adele’s “Someone Like You”. As Matthew Saville, the expert series director, pulls the camera back we see a group of messy, inscrutable people who make each others’ lives a living hell at times. Yet, it’s always better to go through that hell together.

Best Episode: “Pancakes with Faces”


Pancakes With Faces was brilliant and definitely the highlight of a great season. Amazing writing, music (that ending scene with Clairzilla) and acting with one of the most realistic unwanted pregnancy/abortion plotlines I've seen in television. It was neither preachy nor did it take a political stance, it just focused on the characters in the way PLM excels at.

I'm writing a play. It's a cross between Glee and The Road.


"Absolutely hilarious" is a gross overstatement. It's mildly funny and entertaining but I can't imagine a single person getting fits of laughter of this show.
