Gilbert & Lupe

He should be able to annul his "marriage". It was based upon lies and misrepresentation, a dictum required and approved by the Roman Catholic Church, as valid grounds for a dissolution of their so called fake marriage.

"A stitch in time, saves your embarrassment." (RIP Ms. Penny LoBello)


Misrepresentation? Wasn't she already about 500 pounds when he married her? Not like when they tied the knot he thought he was getting Christie Brinkley.


Because Lupe knew that Gilbert was initially upset that she lied to him, saying she was only 200 lbs.. He wanted out of the relationship.

Then she laid a guilt trip on Gilbert, with another lie saying that GOD/Jesus, wanted Gilbert for her. It was meant to be.

That is misrepresentation. As to why Gilbert fell for that = ???

He admitted that Lupe is way too demanding on him. Their union is NOT open to the prospect of children. I doubt it if it was consummated.

This is a marriage in name only.

"A stitch in time, saves your embarrassment." (RIP Ms. Penny LoBello)


I agree. She dooped him. He had already fell for her, well the person he thought she was and he couldn't bring himself to just leave her high and dry. That's pretty fuqd up to trick someone like that. He got catfished. Id leave her asap if I were him. He has many years ahead of him and a life to live that doesn't involve pushing her mini van sized a$$ around the city or walking 10 miles on a highway to a grocery store. Their episode is absolutely legendary from her getting stuck on the toilet, his cheating, walking the freeway to get groceries, her hiding tacos in her purse, the size of her neck and face.



Did they get married in the Church? Good luck getting an annulment. If it has not been consummated, that just may just be Gilbert's way out. It could be a "defect of contract" on Lupe's part. Heck, he could argue that or "defect of will" (is that the name of it?), consummated or not.

The thing is, Gilbert kind of knew what he was getting into. I agree, it is one faux marriage though, one I partly blame Gilbert for.


It's hard for me to feel too bad for Gilbert, and other spouses of the obese patients. While I'm sure taking care of someone that size is no walk in the park, I get the feeling they probably enjoy not having to work, and living off of their obese partner's SSI or disability. In most of the cases the one taking care of the large person says they can't work a full time job because they are a care taker.

I'm probably going to sound super bitter here, but as someone who works full time at a very chaotic job, I find it frustrating that many of the couples seem to live fairly well off government assistance. Let's face it, they certainly get enough money for food. It didn't seem as though Gilbert and Lupe had a great place, but most of the apartments or homes they live in seem decent.

Ok...early morning rant over.



When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


In most of the cases the one taking care of the large person says they can't work a full time job because they are a care taker.

Christina's ex-husband, Zack, practically bragged about that. When Dr. Now asked him if he worked (I think it was because he knew he was enabling Christina since he had no job and was around her 24/7), he said his job was taking care of Christina.

but as someone who works full time at a very chaotic job, I find it frustrating that many of the couples seem to live fairly well off government assistance. Let's face it, they certainly get enough money for food. It didn't seem as though Gilbert and Lupe had a great place, but most of the apartments or homes they live in seem decent.

I agree and know exactly what you mean. Some of their apartments are really nice, too, yet no one in the family works.
