MovieChat Forums > My 600-lb Life (2012) Discussion > Disgusting all the fat haters and shamer...

Disgusting all the fat haters and shamers on this board

I've came across this board and have noticed how hateful and spiteful people are to obese or overweight people. I guess it has to do with education. You hate what you don't know.

some of these people actually do have endocrine disorders., some of them have addictions obviously. ever heard of Cushings Syndrome? google it. there are other disorders as well. years and years of steroid use can definitely impact weight and weight gain.

don't categorize them as it makes one look like an ass and the mean rude and hateful comments are disgusting. not all obese people stuff their face with fast food and junk food and do not exercise, or stink, don't bath., that is a total myth by some dumb-ass that doesn't do their research correctly. would you still be talking crap if the person was anorexic? i highly doubt it.

"Say Auf Wiedersehen to your Nazi balls"!


Do you always leave the room during the first 20 mins of the show or something? They usually show them eating a week's worth of calories in a day


Cushings Syndrome? google it.

Cushing's is about 2-3 per 1 million people. It is not associated with being HUNDREDS of pounds overweight, and people with it tend to have weight gain in limited areas, and limbs are thin. You seen any thin limbs on the subjects of this show? Weight gain limited to abdomen and moon face? Have there been 333,333 episodes yet? No? Bye bye odds (not to mention symptomatology). Cushing's is out.

As far as other endocrine disorders, these people have full work-ups when establishing care at Dr. Now's clinic. The amount of weight gain seen here is not caused by an underlying physical disorder. If one person on this show had something like Prader-Willi, I'd give it more pause, but it hasn't happened yet. Even considering such a rare underlying condition, psychological components explain such a large weight gain for anyone, and yes, that is a big deal; it should be properly addressed because "food addiction" can be very damaging. However, do you want to coddle them literally to death, or do you want to get honest about what they are doing to themselves?

not all obese people stuff their face with fast food and junk food and do not exercise, or stink...

When talking about the show, they all eat fast food AND junk, and do not exercise. And use common sense... those in the 600LB range are much more prone to odor because of the excessive skin folds. Poor healing from many of their rampant infections compounds this.

Remember, there is a difference between the typical patient with morbid obesity and those on this show. And as far as anorexics? I've seen enough on programs like "Intervention" who milk their condition, hold family members emotionally hostage, and whine like little brats as many on this show do. They need long-term medical care too, but when their behaviors are affecting the daily lives of others while they continue to self-destruct, damn skippy, I am as critical of some of their actions and words as I am of some of those featured on "My 600LB Life." This isn't some fat-shaming issue.


I'm sure this post will cause a lot of backlash...attacking me for my opinion. But what the heck.

I just want to say that unlike the vast majority of those responding to you, I think I get your post and agree. For me, it's all about your first paragraph:

I've came across this board and have noticed how hateful and spiteful people are to obese or overweight people. I guess it has to do with education. You hate what you don't know.

I agree that so many people who post here are hateful and spiteful. And unbelievably cruel. And certainly not what I would consider compassionate or kind human beings. And absolutely NOT knowledgable or informed about mental health and eating disorders.

White I don't think the people on the show are usually suffering from traditional physical disorders, I don't know how anyone could not realize that they all suffer from some sort of emotional or mental illness and/or a real eating disorder. These are legitimate diseases. Not lifestyle choices.

But honestly, you will NEVER convince someone of this who doesn't want to believe it and is incapable of understanding it. This particular board on IMDB really saddens me and makes me realize how cruel people can be.


See, your post makes sense. My issue with the original post was this sense of authority on the subject when ironically being so wrong on several fronts. I also didn't understand making this some fat-shaming issue regarding obese people in general when this board is about a level of super-morbid obesity that is very different in most ways.


White I don't think the people on the show are usually suffering from traditional physical disorders, I don't know how anyone could not realize that they all suffer from some sort of emotional or mental illness and/or a real eating disorder. These are legitimate diseases. Not lifestyle choices.

Its that kind of thinking that got these people to become so overweight in the first place. Always finding excuses for overeating, but I guess its not a personal choice, right?

Its funny how most of them cure those "diseases" and manage to lose weight without any medical assistance other than bypass surgery. And considering that most of them lost weight even before the surgery (as Dr. Now requires that), they most likely would've lost all that weight even without the bypass surgery.

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


I know it's not worth discussing, because never in the history of the world has anyone changed anyone else's opinion in a situation like this...

But your reply just shows that you don't understand the situation. No. It is NOT a personal choice. No more than getting cancer is. Or diabetes. Or appendicitis.

They suffer from a disease. Do you "believe" in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? Or is that, too, a personal choice? Do you have any sympathy for someone who suffers from Bipolar Depression? Schizophrenia?

And your use of the word "cure" is silly. When someone is a drug addict, or an alcoholic, or suffers from an eating disorder, there is no such thing as a "cure." They have the disease for life. They just don't "use" their symptoms (hopefully.) Losing weight for a period of time before the surgery is in no way an indication that one is "cured."

But as I said in the beginning, I'm quite sure I won't change your opinion.


Do you "believe" in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Not only do I believe in it - I've been diagnosed with one when I was 12 because I grew up in a war-torn country.

I could be like people on this show and blame PTSD for all problems in life. I could say that I smoke 2 packs per day because of PTDS ("boo hoo life is tough because of <insert hardship from a childhood here"), even though I don't - I smoke because I love cigarettes and its my personal choice.

But I lit that cigarette every 30 minutes because of my personal choice and I don't blame anyone or anything else for it. I don't smoke any more cigarettes than usual when I'm stressed or emotional or for any similar reasons.

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


As I said, no point arguing our personal opinions. We'll just have to agree to disagree.

I personally feel deep compassion for the people featured on the show.


I have a compassion for people who are willing to change their eating habits and they follow doctor's plan. I have absolutely no compassion for people who constantly cry how "hard it is" and how they can't do it.

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


My lord. Trying to converse with someone like you makes my head hurt.

Obviously you're 100% right and I'm 100% wrong.

Good night.


Feel free to walk away then and converse with someone who will not make your head hurt.

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


funny how these people have nothing better to do than to eat. they don't work. the don't take care of anyone else.

they have allowed this to happen to them because no one gives birth to a 600 lb baby.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


Several of the women on this show have acknowledged suffering some type of abuse when they were young. I wonder if some of the men have too. For them, food became a coping mechanism. People deal with trauma in different ways.
