
I am really impressed that she is still working at her size, but I do not feel like anyone working in a school could preform their job at that weight effectively. I work at an elementary school as a social worker, and I get my 10,000 steps in almost every day by lunch. It is a very fast paced environment, and I feel like all of the staff should be able to keep up with the kids to some degree. She has issues walking into the building to start her day. I really hope she commits to a better future for herself, her family and her students!



Disgusted by her. She says she wants to do this for her kids and make sure she is able to experience their childhood yet she cannot give up food. She's rejecting therapy and not following her diet. Her weight loss is extremely slow for someone her size who just had this surgery. Losing 10 pounds in a month is what a normal person loses with a 500 calorie deficit and moderate exercise. Guarantee even though she has had this surgery she has started to gain the weight back. She is delusional. She is definitely addicted to food and trying to pretend she isn't is wrecking her.

Very sad for her kids. You can tell they love her and just want their mother but she is going to end up dying unless she changes her attitude. After 2 very positive strong episodes its a shame we got a failure on this one.

Cause I can't post without a body


I so agree. Cynthia still thinks she knows better than everyone else, including Dr. Now and the therapist. If she actually did, she'd not need weight loss surgery! Unless she finally sees the light, she'll be back where she started and eventually worse.

I could not believe she tried to say healthy food was too expensive. Then it showed her getting fast food that was almost eight dollars per order! Oy. Even with her eventual weight loss, it is clear she is white knuckling it until she totally goes off the rails. She's already admitted to cheating.


I could not believe she tried to say healthy food was too expensive.

Well she was actually correct about that. To get healthy food in the same quantity as $8 junk food would most likely cost twice as much.

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


I just got a large salad from the store near my job and it cost me $6.00 (and that included a diet coke). Healthy food is not more expensive.


Exactly. While it's true, many unhealthy food options are cheaper--processed foods high in carbs and/or fats--it is very possible to shop smart for healthy alternatives. One meal of healthy food is not $16! Cynthia spent almost $8 on one item (and she bought more than one), and that is not cheaper than things like fresh vegetables and lean chicken that can be purchased in a quantity meant for more than one meal.

What rubbish for Cynthia to use price as an excuse, especially when it takes a regularly enormous food bill to sustain someone at 600+ LBs for years!


As I have said, to get healthy food in the same quantity as $8 junk food would most likely cost twice as much.

So for somebody like Cynthia, who probably eats 15,000+ calories per day - one large salad will not replace a double quarter pounder w/ fries.

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


It sounds like you think Cynthia said this before her diet. She didn't. Cynthia used the price excuse after meeting Dr. Now, which means she should have been eating less anyway. If you're talking about unhealthy food tending to be cheaper by the quantity, you're right, but that was not what this scene was about. It especially made it worse when she was blowing so much at that drive-through. She definitely could have gotten healthy food at the grocery store that would average less than eight dollars per meal (in the size of her new meals). Meal planning is one of the foreign things to these people, so it's no surprise many foul it up when it's time to change.


You're correct, but as we all saw it - Cynthia wasn't eating less considering that she gained 4 lbs. So I wouldn't be surprised if she switched to some healthier foods, but ate even larger quantities than before.

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


I didn't like her, She made a bad first impression. The way she lashed out on her brother was ridiculous! He's making sacrifices to help her with the problems that she has caused.

She shouldn't get angry with anyone but herself!


Unless she changes her attitude, I don't see her succeeding in the long run. She denies that she could use therapy, which is ridiculous. Plus, I don't think she's losing the weight that she should be losing. That's just my opinion, though.

She lost five pounds over the last two of the twelve months, and a total of 67 pounds since the surgery. She's obviously not following the plan, and she's making more excuses. She's done, but she's only got herself to blame, not listening to those in the know.

Time wounds all heels.


Watching cynthia right now. I think she is just plain lazy. Just like the hoarders. Simple laziness.So sad these people get in a rut and it seems that there is no way to get out. As for the fast food all of the big chains carry salad, why Can't they order that? ,


It's not laziness, it's denial, and until she realizes that, she's not going to get anywhere. I think her thing is she doesn't think she has an emotional connection to food because she started eating too much before she DID have an emotional connection to it. She overate, so she was fat, so people treated her badly, so she got depressed, and ate more, and put on more weight, and the cycle just went on and on and on but I don't think she sees the eating after that point as any different than the eating she did before that point.


Actually, she should just stay away from fast food places altogether. For her, it's like a newly recovering alcoholic hanging out at a kegger.

She also used the excuse that buying healthy food costs more, which has been shown, over and over again, to be emphatically untrue, and even more so when the opposite includes fast food.

But, it's not just laziness, it's the whole mindset that she's not bothering to change. She's been in charge her whole life and look where it has gotten her, but she still insists that she knows better than everyone else. Unfortunately, though, that's a VERY common theme with these folks.

Time wounds all heels.


I totally agree. Any fair-sized grocery store has baby carrots at @ one dollar for a pound bag. Ready-to-eat vegetables and fruits are very easy to find and many cost less than a bag of potato chips or a quart of ice cream.

OMG, how does Dr. Now put up with hearing so many bullsh!t excuses? It would drive me crazy.


geezwhatnext...since Dr. Now is in his 70's my guess is he's been listening to BS for a very long time. Lies and BS go with the territory. He probably wouldn't want to do whatever it is that you do.


Probably not, and you're right, he's been hearing it for a long time.


She was definitely one of more annoying people who ever appeared on this show. That whole "I don't need them, I need to do this on my own ...". Well, doing things "on her own" is the reason why she's 600 lbs.

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


What amazing, kind, loving, caring, compassionate kids Cynthia has! She has obviously done something right! Any mom would be very proud of those awesome kids! I hope Cynthia achieves her weight loss goals so she can see those great children grow up!


i think so too, her kids are real sweethearts.


I almost forgot about the new episode and only caught the last 15 mins. But judging from what I did watch, I didn't miss much ... just another patient who thinks they know better than the doctor does.


My husband and I have had this discussion several times. We live outside a major city, and believe that the residents of that city do not necessarily have access to grocery stores or other places that offer healthy food. If you drive through parts of the city, you don't see any grocery stores and the only restaurants for the most part are McDonald's or fried chicken places. And if transportation is an issue, then it is even harder.

With that being said, Cynthia lived in Oklahoma City in what appeared to be a suburban area, and had a nice, big car. I don't see how she would not have access to healthy alternatives. I can buy a Lean Cuisine entrée at the grocery store for $2.50. But of course, I don't weigh 600 pounds either.

You hear the same excuses in every episode, and the amount of food these people eat is staggering!
