Dear Kirsten - A Message From God
You have a very severe case of obesogen poisoning. Take 1 or 2 tablets of ACTIVE-PK every time you eat until you are cured in about 2 years. Get in touch with me as soon as you find out I am right.
shareYou have a very severe case of obesogen poisoning. Take 1 or 2 tablets of ACTIVE-PK every time you eat until you are cured in about 2 years. Get in touch with me as soon as you find out I am right.
shareKirsten has a very severe case of wah, wah, wah, my daddy was mean to me so I will become a totally self obsessed person.
shareYep that's how I saw it, too. In fact, I'm only about halfway into this episode and if she starts blubbering with her self pity party one more time I might not make it through the entire episode. It's time to grow up and so stop acting like a baby.
shareLOL, Lordy. Kirsten has a bad case of crybaby syndrome, a bad case of neglectful mother syndrome, and a bad case of illiteracy. (Did everyone read her inspirational one-liners the therapist reccommended she write?)
Why are you peddling this quackery on here and using God to do it?
Hello God. Can you zap me a big bowl of soup down here? I'm sooo hungry. And uhh maybe give my brother the shingles.~Kirsten
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