"there's no such thing as a healthy snack."
Was Dr. Now's response when asked, "No snacks? Not even like, carrot sticks?" Now then, I know he's the Dr. and he probably knows what he's speaking about, but I have to disagree with that. In my family, there's blood sugar issues. If we don't get something healthy to snack on between meals, we start to feel very sick and get very short tempered. My grandmother used to carry a small little snack bag of almonds in her bag for that very reason. My mom keeps a protein bar in her purse. I keep a granola bar on me.
Now I know he might have said that because these people lack self control and if he says they can snack, they might eat 6 bags of potato chips or something. But like, to me, I think allowing them to have healthy, limited snacks, it'd help them loose weight so that they eat smaller meals as opposed to being so hungry that they gorge themselves when it's finally meal time.
And if he's saying this for that reason, then it really doesn't make any sense because they won't listen to him regardless so who's to say they'll listen to him on anything else. I just thought his statement about absolutely no snacks was a bit odd.
Also, the quickness they're expected to lose wieght, along with the very low calorie meals, and the no snacking seems almost borderline annorexic. and yes, you can be overweight and still have an eating disorder.
"Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling."