new show last night

omg these patients get worse by the week, she had more food in her freezer, fridge, cupboards, out on the counter, than people who work for a living a pay taxes, the niece was enabling her big time and I dont blame her siblings one bit for how they treated her, like her bro said, he had nothing to do with her eating herself into almost 700#, the siblings have jobs, kids and lives of their own, why should they uproot themselves for her, and her brother in law did a lot but didnt look one but happy about it!!!!! she also should have told the shrink about how her father verbally abused her growing up. that prob had a lot to do wth why she put herself in a position to be gang raped by six men.


Her family shouldn't have to uproot their lives for her mistakes, but they could have been a little bit nicer to her. At least in casual conversation, like her sister was constantly just giving her attitude. She could have spoke a little nicer to her. She seems like a very pleasant and sweet lady, who just suffers from food addiction. It's a hard situation to deal with from all sides. Erica was definitely one of the nicer people appearing on this series. Some of these people are downright nasty at times. She kept her cool for the most part.


That sister was the worst thing about the episode. She was downright evil to her sister and I would have told her to go "f" herself. She was also obese and doesn't hold a candle to Erica in the looks department. If Erica can lose a lot of that weight, she will be quite attractive. Her sister, on the other hand, will always be ugly both on the inside and the outside.


I agree!


She put herself in the position to be


Yeah, what position is that supposed to be?


This woman was irritating and miserable. She clearly does not care or really want to lose weight.


Yes, I agree! I have watched every episode since the beginning (thanks mostly to the ability of recording it). And seriously, this is the first time I have ever wanted to QUIT an episode before it's finished simply because I am so pissed off at the "patient" "customer" "600-lb-er" whatever she is considered...Erica! When is this story going to proceed to something besides showing this wishy-washy, up then down, briefly determined but mostly just giving up, not willing to do even the slightest bit of work towards what SHE continuously refers to as an otherwise death sentence woman sitting, with her lymph-edematous legs dangling, on the side of her bed!? There's only 30 minutes left in Erica's Story (but still packed with commercials). Please give me a good reason for hanging in there and giving her one more chance to show some sign of appreciation from this woman ??


first time I saw those lyphodemas, I was horrified. down low by the feet it just makes the people look like they have pig feet.


I think it looks A LOT worse than pig's feet!!
