Underated show

Very underated


Always was. And if they'd stuck to the every day stuff and not succumbed to having them constantly killing people, the show might not have lasted more than one season on its merits as a deep character study in a very weird world! Ha.


They killed Nina Krilova in the middle of the show, I think most people lost interests after that.


It was an interesting show.
I love the poor FBI guy, and felt so sorry for him.

The reason they had to have so many cold-blooded killings
by the Russian agents is the same reason we see Russians
always shown as terrifying immoral criminal people - it is
to vilify them and rally Americans for war anytime we
need to.

I think the bottom line is that strategists on all sides of
every super-power see the overthrow and conquest of
Russia by the West something that needs to happen.

If we don't overthrow Putin and the ruling regime ( not
even going to call it communist ) Russia will not make a
good partner in the West. Also why Putin has made
overtures to the West to change, but the West would
never trust any other country that is not locked into
unconditional surrender to us/US.

Great show though. All really great actors.


Putin nationalised the Russian oil that is why the west turned against him, it has always been about oil.

Why are there negative stories about XinJiang and South China Sea? I think to an extent is because those are the 2 places of China have oil.

Remember before Putin Yeltsin was invited to speak at US congress, they could not be more friendly. I think when a foreign leader or activist was invited to address the US parliaments, that is usually a sure sign of that person betrayed his or her country.


You're not wrong, but it is more about markets and selling energy to the EU and Russia horning on the EU markets. That's as far as I can compromise! ;-)

China is going to surpass the US economy at some point. That screws the US plans to economically and politically dominate the world.

In both Russia and China, I have read and passed on facts and my opinions as I develop them. These are natural behavior of great powers in great power politics.

Some idiots read a comment of mine and say I am pro-Russia or pro-China, but that is wrong and a stupid superficial jumping to conclusions. While I am very critical of the USA, I am an American and when it comes down to it, I want our country to dominate. I also want our country to evolve and improve, not regress to an antebellum horrible past.

If there is any system among the great powers, US, China or Russia, the US is the best and seems at this point to be the most adaptable and inclusive. The problem with China is its monolithic racial issue. Russia is just not strong enough or developed enough to do anything but try to defend itself against US attacks and inflitration. Easier for China to do.

> when a foreign leader or activist was invited to address the US parliaments, that is usually a sure sign of that person betrayed his or her country.

To me that is far too simplistic. The reason the world does not evolve faster is because these issues are not simple, and the tend to get more complex, not less.

I don't think Russia cares about the US domination of EU except as it affects their security and development. Putin would love to be real partners with the West if he could, but also he must realize that whatever he says that as Russia develops they become a real threat on the economic and military spaces. Russia has everything - hugely rich in land and resources.

Any American partner nationlizing the oil industry is a big problem for American. Look at Iran. Russia had to nationalize the petroleum industry in order to raise the living standard for Russians, which the US doesn't care a whit about. Putin was successful at that which is why he is trusted and highly regarded in Russia.

Ukraine drove a permanent wedge of distrust between the US and Russia, and pushed Russia towards China, and both countries to screw around with America which is no affecting the plan in Israel and Iran, both of which are going to have to "transform". It was a very stupid move.

Still, that is what our strategy is and there is really not use to do anything but go along and if possible try to affect it for the better. As they say, develop concensus then be a team player and move on.
