just watched the season premiere
I'm behind because I wanted to rewatch the previous seasons in a marathon, and then I got busy, so got behind. So I still have five more episodes, hopefully will be caught up in the next day or two. Probably won't check back until after lest there be spoilers.
But a few takeaways from 6x01.
Not just this show in particular, but I feel like a lot of shows now tend to do shortened final seasons. I feel like this allows them to take a risk and make the last round feel a lot different, all the while keeping the writing a bit tighter. Plus, being shorter in addition to different, it will by default feel a bit more like an extended epilogue in case it isn't well-received.
Paige will turn out to be a lesbian.
Wouldn't it be bad for Philip to suddenly devote a lot more time into the travel agency? I guess he could say because the kids are gone, but it still might raise questions as to where he'd been previously spent so much time.
I hope Renee does turn out to be a spy of some sort. I feel like it'll feel better as a pay-off than as a red herring basically.