What do you think they will do with Tuan? Turn him in?
How about Henry? Does he go to that Ivy League school?
Paige got a night off. Anybody miss her?
Too bad Martha- Gabriel dialog was short lived. I was wanting to see Martha ask him a lot of questions.
Anyone else rooting for Oleg besides me?
I did not miss Paige, her face annoys me.
Henry better go to that school because he's utterly useless to the plot. Bye felicia!
Tuan's story seemed sketch af to me but you know he must be lonely. Phillip and Elizabeth have eachother to confide in and be themselves with, but Tuan has no one. I hope they don't turn him in. Was Viet Nam still communist in the 80's? If he gets sent home is it like, certain death? re-education camp?
This episode was so jam packed with stuff!
Kimmy's birthday!
Martha eats a potato! To Russian army sing-alongs!
Martha telling Gabriel to go fuck himself!
Gaad's widow and her thirst for vengeance!
Phillip and the weird priest in the hospital corridor (wtf was that all about? Have we ever seen this dude before?)
Oleg and his dad (amazing scene. That actor who plays his father was amazing.)
Oleg and the interrogators
Oleg and the prisoner
Did the Russkies use the virus in Afghanistan?
BYE HENRY! We hardly knew ye.
Also they gave a really good glimpse into the drudgery and exhaustion and burnout of Phillip and Elizabeth's work. Instead of jumping right to the part where Phillip hears them talking about the deaths from hemorrhagic virus , they show him listening to a bunch of tedious talk about lunch orders first. He has to listen to hours of tapes to get one little bit of important info.
meanwhile Elizabeth has to wait up for Tuan, hours of waiting, after a full day of her cover job. And still being so alert and so careful in searching Tuan's room, measuring the amount the closet door was ajar... they have to be 100% precise and perfect, 24/7. Both of them have all this type of stuff going every day, they are always working multiple sources, even when we don't see them every episode.. When do they ever even sleep?
Also, do you think that E.S.T. has made Stan and Phillip soft and sad? neither of them seems to have the fire in their belly anymore. Like Stan was all "oh vengeance isn't what's needed here" and Gaad's widow was all OH YES it is.
And Phillip at the end says maybe Tuan just wants out of the shit, but he was really talking about himself.. meanwhile Elizabeth still has the fire. I am sure she'd be pro-revenge too. it's interesting the way they make the women the hard-ass ones and the two male leads have lost their convictions.
They should totally send Henry to the boarding school. He said senator's kids go there. That means Henry might make friends with a senators kid and get invited to their house. It's actually a great opportunity.
Yes, it looks like the Ruskies are giving some virus to the Mujadeem in Afghanistan.
Wasn't that Gabriel- Martha encounter chilling? You are right- every encounter last night was awesome. Oleg and anyone was riveting.
Man, this show is AWESOME. Some people complain about how slow the plot moves or lack of action, but they must be younger- the microwave generation. The dialog and slow movements are what makes this show unique.
Yes, I think you will see both Stan and Phillip say NO MAS at the end, just like Gabriel. I wonder if Gabriel figures out a way to let Martha return to America.
You know what else is really remarkable and unique?
The scenes with Oleg are all in Russian and they are still riveting. I do watch a good number of foreign films so I am used to reading subtitles, but I know that not every American does that. These performances are strong enough they can still blow you away in a language that you can't understand. I'm so glad they do it this way with the Russians speaking Russian. using the patronymic names and all that. It just adds so much richness and unique texture to those scenes, much more than if they were speaking in accented English.
Do you remember that priest? Have we ever seen him before, or maybe he was only ever talking to Gabriel so we never saw him before. So Gabriel must have had his own sources that he worked directly, in addition to supervising other agents.
Why isn't the priest meeting with Claudia now that Gabriel's gone, why is Phillip standing in for Gabriel?
Why do they even have a priest as a source, what kind of useful intelligence could they give? Narcing on other priests who drink too much, but then what? What use is it? Maybe they try to bug a confessional box? That would be a great source of blackmail info if they know some target goes to that church.
That is the first time I've ever seen the priest. Are you 100% sure he is a real priest? Although it seems like he is somewhat religious asking Phillip to pray. I think I may have missed part of his conversation with Philip, I was distracted, but he may have said where he got his info from. At least my wife told me that, but she doesn't remember. Lol
I'm not sure why Phillip took the place of Gabriel instead of Claudia. Maybe the priest prefers male bonding. (Not funny, I know)
He only seems to be reporting on fellow priests ( Father Victor stays out late and drinks, etc), which is just kind of useless gossipy stuff from a spy standpoint. I know that in the 80's there were some socialist activist priests in Central America , basically working for social justice and trying to better the lives of the poor, and they were allies of the communists like the Sandinistas. But I am not sure how a priest in the USA is of any use to the USSR.
It was just a very mysterious meeting, Phillip had never met the guy before and didn't really want to keep meeting with him. I think Phillip is just overworked and he was like, "no thanks I got enough on my plate and I don't have time to listen to silly gossip about father Victor!"
Maybe he was just there to illustrate how many sources the spies were working on at all times, and how some of them were rather banal and unimportant. Spy work sounds exciting but it really has a lot of mind numbing drudgery.
I think the guy was scared to ask Claudia for help because he was inexperienced and didn't want her to know he couldn't do basic stuff like write reports.
So now we see the purpose of the priest. (and he's not Catholic, he's Russian orthodox, which makes a little more sense).
They just needed a Russian priest in the story to marry Mikhail and Nadezhda.