Season 5 episode 2
This episode was really interesting the way it presented the US being just as bad as the Soviets.
I think the show is at it's best when it doesn't have good guys and bad guys, when it shows that both sides do deplorable things, and that both sides have good decent patriots trying to help their country.
The CIA is going to get poor Oleg killed because they won't listen to Stan. Oleg tipped them off about the bio weapons to save lives, but now they are going to get him killed.
The plot to destroy the Russian grain crop, is even worse than bio weapons. A famine is going to kill the weakest poorest people - the top level party officials will always have food.
I have a suspicion that Stan's new gf might be an operative.
I'm glad we got a little backstory on the Vietnamese kid. He was a boat person who had a foster family in Seattle. I am still not sure when the Russians recruited him though.
I have a good idea how Phillip and Elizabeth can get Paige off Matthew's dick. They need to get a young pretty spy to seduce him and then have Paige find out some 'accidental' way , and she will break up with him.