Did Joel do....
the right thing at the end?
What do you think?? Matter of opinion really. For himself he did the right thing. The fireflies may or may not have devolped a cure so who knows what would have happened if he didn do what he did
Had Ellie been allowed to make her own choice would have been interesting
Yes I don't think there was a cure coming any time soon.I think it would have been a 1 in 100 chance of finding a cure.I think Joel did the right thing for the wrong reasons.
shareIt's a little complicated to say because for three reasons. The fact that Marlene claimed that the doctors would be able to reverse engineer a vaccine in Ellie, though sounds skeptical especially when finding the notes in the hospital. I found that reason a little too hard to digest. There's other reasons why that wasn't a guarantee and maybe Joel saw it as hindsight that even if they did have the surgery, a vaccine would be impossible to reproduce in the time that they have and Joel only saw one way out of it because for the record Ellie didn't even know that her death would waver the possibility of a cure.
Joel not wanting to sacrifice Ellie, for the sake of not losing another daughter was poetic, and maybe heroic but considering that he would risk the lives of millions for the sake of one person does sound more selfish and wrong, but considering what he's been through another factor to feel for him.
So in short, it's a bit complicated. As a parent, he may have done the right thing, but on a bigger scale it's more wrong than it is right.
Hopefully they do end up finding a cure but in another way. I always pictured Ellie trying to be some kind of doctor in Tommy's dam in the future. So maybe she'll find an alternative way to test the cure, but even then how would they be able to spread it around the rest of the world? It's not like they have plains or anything and there would be hard to develop an airborne vaccine.
shareEllie made her choice and it was to sacrifice herself so they could create a vaccine. There are many hints to this. When Joel starts telling her about doing things after they are done with the mission. Teaching her to play guitar and going to his brothers place to live, she blows it off as if she knew there was no "after" for her. Also at the very end, she doesn't seem to understand why she's alive and questions Joel's version of the events. Joel then lies about the fireflies giving up on a vaccine. He knows she was willing to die for a vaccine.
If he did the "right" thing, that's up to your own perspective. For him he did, he just wants her to live a life and wants to finally live a life himself. The rest of humanity be damned. From the perspective of the rest of the world, no he didn't. Her sacrifice could have eliminated the virus and returned things back to normal. So her one death could have saved millions of lives.
I think so yes.
Lose the Game!!!!!!!
The Fireflies had a Messiah Complex thing going on. Personally I hesitate to accept their version of events. They were not just willing to pull the brain out of a living 14 year old girl but eager to do it. I tend to believe they wanted that vaccine as leverage in their ongoing battles with the military.
If Ellie decided she wanted to live, it's hard to believe they would've let her walk away with their cure. Even Marlene implies this.
No one's really looking out for Ellie's best interest. Marlene says "it's what she would want" but it was Marlene that manipulated her since Boston.
Joel's motivations may have been selfish but he's still Ellie's protector and because of him she has a chance at a full life.
The fact that you're asking that question means that Naughty Dog did their job. What Joel did is supposed to be a very morally grey thing, and it's supposed to make you think about what he did was right or wrong. I don't think there's necessarily a right answer.
Why don't you take a pill, bake a cake, go read the encyclopaedia.
Yes. Because there was no guarantee that killing her wouldve helped anything. The world has ended. At this point survival is more important than a cure imo. Every life should be saved if possible. Theres already enough death with the fireflies and infected running around killing people.
Anyone who uses the term "Mary Sue" is a dirty neck beard having homosexual hipster.