Confirmed stinker
Review embargo
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Mad Max Fury Road; lifted the day before or on the day of release, i can't remember. How many Oscars did that win again?
You question my normality because I'm happy.
The AccĂșntant 22% on RTđ
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Now 44%, Its climbing although it is a shame. While not attacking critics once again they only prove to be reviewers. I wish we could have critics like Roger Ebert back, who actually critiqued movies. Ah well...
You question my normality because I'm happy.
It has gotten to the point where review embargo means the kiss of death. How are studios going to get around this in the future?
It does seem to have become a common trend doesn't it? Meanwhile Arrival lifted their embargo ages ago and still sits at 100%, perhaps it has to do with confidence.
You question my normality because I'm happy.