JK Simmons tells the other agent that he has some sort of an arrangement with the accountant right? Like the girl on the phone (whoever the heck that is) calls him with info. So why does he send the girl after the accountant if they have an arrangement?
It isn't a spoiler for the movie, it's a spoiler for the sequel. It was a test of her ability, and a check of her moral flexibility. Ray King knew the Accountant would be long-gone, when they called at his house.
Medina was probably hand picked by Chris and Justine, supplying the arrest records to King, knowing he, and they, would be able to hold that over her when she replaced him. And I also think King genuinely wanted to know who he was. He only made the connection that the prisoner and the Accountant were the same man when he saw the dented thermos in the abandoned house. Listen close, there's a barely audible bass note seconded when King sees it there to emphasize the point. That subtle point is almost as important as the addition they made to the Pollock painting.
An eye looking askance from the center. It jumped out at me the first time I saw the movie, but it's harder to see on the BluRay. They may have made it smaller. It takes one of Pollock's cynical abstractions and gives in a profound meaning relevant to the autistic theme--thus giving the painting a profound meaning for the characters (for them, it IS the original), and a slap in the face for all of Pollock's drip, mop and bucket crap.