MovieChat Forums > Self/less (2015) Discussion > What a horrible movie

What a horrible movie

After years of avoiding it (as I have no interest in Ryan Reynolds....but quite enjoy Ben Kingsley) I picked it up (brand new) on Blu-Ray for £1, expecting (at least) a bit of mind/less sci_fi action.

What I got was, a wit/less two-hour 'Barkadi Breezer' cinema ad (with the vaguest of sci-fi elements) starring the (ever bland) Reynolds (clearly working out between takes) in a variety of tight fitting shirts, flitting from one beautifully lensed (improbable) location to another.

This movie is terrible.
Anyone that watches it, deserves an 'endurance' award.
Anyone that says they like it, is either a liar or an 'Edge-Lord' (or both)

This movie was 'Seconds' meets 'Total Recall' for 21st century lifeless snowflakes (and little else) and it bored me shit/less.

(If anything, it's taught me to value my great British pound, in future)


Well, I liked it.


If anyone wants the UK (region B) Blu-ray of this, drop me your address in a PM and I'll send it out to you?





L0L. seagull is imitating the "Self/Less" movie title./ I'm/ only/ 23/ mins/ in,/ so/ far/, and/I/am/ enjoying/ it./ L0L./ I do enjoy science fiction type movies, that involve time/travel, and "OUT/OF/BODY experiences". (THIS MOVIE).
OK, I'm going back to PROPER EngRish now! lol BTW, Should I change my User-Name to "The SLASHER"??? (;


seagull, lol, I see you like to use the /SLASH in place of the -DASH, to IMITATE the movie title. I hope U R doing that for HUMOUR, but I have no way of knowing that, bcuz I don't know you, and you left no indications of humour. However, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. BTW, it is "Bacardi Breezer", NOT "Barkadi Breezer". STRIKE 2. lol


I've seen a LOT worse, and IMDb gives it a 6.2 which is not 'horrible' rankings. I check EVERY movie I watch usually before I watch, and I've found that anything '5' and above is usually watchable. Sometimes AFTER I've watched a movie, I'll 'rate' it myself mentally, then check IMDb to see how close my number is. A few times my number has been EXACTLY the same as IMDb! Sometimes I just look at the DVD cover, or read the synopsis/plot, or just judge it by the actors/director/producers involved, make a mental note, then check IMDb. I'm usually very close to IMDb.
BTW, sometimes something bugs us in a movie that is a personal 'peeve', and it affects our ratings thusly. There are some actors we just don't like for whatever reasons, or just some topics we abhor! I try to be aware of that when rating it.
