Highly looking forward to this!

Perhaps I should read the book in the meantime.


Me too. I had no idea is was being adapted into a movie. Book is worth reading if you like the sea based survival genre and the author has a knack for researching and putting the pieces together.

Is your user name a homage to The Terror?


While you're at it, send my regards to Sir John Franklin.


While you're at it, send my regards to Sir John Franklin.
I shall, next time I visit the islet off Cape Felix where we buried him.


Did you take a bite out of his corpse before burying him?


Good heavens, no!

We interred him without the slightest disrespect to his form, in full uniform dress and with full military honors, complete with a 21 gun salute and sealed his coffin inside the earth with concrete.

We kept his diary, Medal of Knighthood, chronometer, and certain other of his effects with a view to returning them to Lady Jane should any of us make it home.

Whether any of our officers or men ever did, I know not.
