MovieChat Forums > The Regime (2024) Discussion > This actually looks interesting

This actually looks interesting

Seen the previews for it and it has caught my attention in the best possible way.
Seemingly virtually every movie and series these days is absolute garbage or mediocre or just doesn't grab me--I seem to be getting harder and harder to please with age--but this actually seems like it might be good.


Have you seen it? Is it any good? As it happens I noticed yesterday I have it.

ANy opinion?

I thought "Mare of Easttown" was terrific.

One was wondering if Kate could pull it off again.


it was so so,

it had a weird tone to it

and a weird musical score too



Not up to "Mare of Easttown" standards?


This isn't a DETECTIVE STORY. It's a story about a DICTATOR who's basically out of her mind. She has a servant who walks in front of her with a device that measures the amount of the humidity in the air.

And the entire PALACE that she inhabits is covered with plastic as the workmen try to decontaminate the place. And she also spends time in a see-through plastic bubble device where oxygen is pumped into it, because she also fears dying of the same lung condition that her father had.

And his corpse (which is also kept inside of a plastic see-through coffin like the body of LENNIN is in Russia) also has several SPORES on its face now.

If you've ever seen the film about Howard Hughes and how he lived inside of the hotel room in Vegas (because he was also afraid of contamination and germs) that's the kind of character Kate's character Elena is in this story.

Here's part of a review:

He claims that in his dream, she told him to crush the people who make them weak and that she shouldn't dance for countries like America. He thinks Goin and Dr. Kershaw are manipulating her and he would love to "smash their f***ing faces."

She announces in a TV speech that Goin and Dr. Kershaw are part of a conspiracy with foreign powers that led the intruder to her room and made her feel sick. She announces she is turning away from American investors and that they will go it alone as a country. "We will no longer suffer for their greed," she announces. It is quite the rousing statement, but how long before paranoia creeps in again?


"It's a story about a DICTATOR who's basically out of her mind"

Not surprisingly, Kate Winslet is portraying such a character


Kate's role in "QUILLS" was pretty TAME in comparison to that of her co-star who ends up writing stories in his cell with his poo.



Nothing has surpassed her boobs getting sucked on in Jude


Speaking of boobs ...

According to Elena she says she's tired of "SUCKING on NATO'S TIT":

We have the cobalt.

You pay for the pits and the refineries.

It’s a perfect partnership.

Or you can hold China’s cock while they piss all over your shoes and hold you hostage to their corrupt supply lines.

(Elena chuckles)
today, I am issuing an executive order to repay our debts, turn away American investors, and rid this country of its sick dependence on NATO’s teat.


Isn't PUTIN also supposed to be a GERMAPHOBE???

Could Kate's character represent him??? Or maybe someone else who worships him???

Mr Putin seemed to be deliberately coughing and clearing his throat, possibly in order to trigger Mr Trump’s terror of germs and illness.

Mr Trump has previously called the practice of shaking hands “barbaric”, and aides speaking anonymously during his presidency described an atmosphere in which employees were afraid to be seen coughing, sneezing or failing to sanitise their hands.

Instructions for Zubak regarding Elena:

"Breathing. If she passes ya, hold it in."

"If she talks to you, cover your mouth."



Elena, from Vampire Diaries? Goddamn her for still not getting naked yet


Elena, from Vampire Diaries?

ELENA is the name of KATE's character in THE REGIME.


Since the AAT condition that the doctor mentioned is REAL and not FAKE:

one also suspects the BUTCHER character (ZUBAK) that she's falling in love with ...

who's also talked her out of protecting herself ...

(by claiming the others are using illness as an excuse to manipulate her) ...

is also going to end up killing her when she stops taking precautions.

And the reason why he talks her out of protecting herself is so he can seek REVENGE upon those who keep INSULTING him when he first arrives.

So by seeking REVENGE upon them (by talking ELENA out of protecting her health), IRONICALLY he also manipulates her into letting him manipulate her instead of them, which will probably also cause her death which she also fears in the first place.

In other words, I PREDICT Ep. 6 ends with ELENA laying there inside of a GLASS COFFIN beside of her father.


Ok, sounds good - thanks.


Since the Mare story was a detective story, and TRUE DETECTIVE: NIGHT COUNTRY is also a detective story, you'd might like NIGHT COUNTRY more than this story.

It's also interesting how many of the NIGHT COUNTRY characters are also people that you're not used to seeing on a regular basis (unless you live in Alaska where it's supposed to take place ... or in Iceland where it was really filmed). Because you also get to learn things about their culture and their way of life.

So be sure to check out NIGHT COUNTRY. The story also begins with the last day of SUNLIGHT due to the way that they remain in a constant state of DARKNESS for an extended period of time up there.


i didnt see that but i think its a completely different style



I've gotten enough back on this to make me want to take a look - which I am going to do soon. It seems to be worth it.

Ok, thanks for the reply - best wishes.


U 2, i will probably stick with it, i trust HBO enough to give it a chance
