I just get this feeling that she didn't want to go on, anymore. She became a very spritual person towards the end of her life, and it almost seemed like she'd rather be somewhere else than earth. It was evident that she was just about done with TLC and want to be on her own, but I wonder if her feelings went deeper than that?
I don't see it that way, I see it as she was coming to terms with her life and what had happened in it. She had to get away from everything to find herself. During the "Last Days" documentary, she talked about being so excited to get back to the studio and start working again. When she started making her statements about not standing behind the group, etc., people saw it as being a backstabber to the others but she didn't want to just be part of TLC, she had her own life and her own ideas and her own projects and wanted to do them as well.
I personally think that Lisa was a deeply spiritual person who sensed that her time on earth was near. I think her retreat was a way of conquering her demons, and making peace with her life and impending death. That is why I think her documentary is brilliant and deeply courageous. She exposed her soul for the world to see, it was her way of showing the world that " I was here" and when she left she'd be okay in the afterlife, it was a valentine to her family, friends, and fans,her way of saying goodbye. That's how I feel, I don't think she was depressed.
I don't think she would have taken her own life. And I do believe that a lot of people are born with an awareness that their time on earth will be short. Tupac had this awareness and my late fiancé.
During Lisa's docu she makes repeated mentions of a entity chasing her in her dreams and abt the little boy who died during their first car accident who shared her same last name.
After watching this movie and her documentary, I do believe Lisa left eye was depressed. She basically said in her documentary that she believed that her creating multiple personalities for herself started her into a downward spiral. Also, while she was in a facility after her act of burning the house down,she spoke of how she cut herself. In her documentary, she showed the word "hate" on her arm. She spoke of spirits chasing after her and her knowing that she was going to die. I believe she was searching for something in life and who knows if she was able to find it. Her documentary was very sad and I wonder if the people that were filming it noticed that she was suffering and needed help. She was a creative genius, but she seemed so troubled.
I'd never heard that she was a cutter. The act of arson puts a person high on the list of having a mental health problem. Do you remember the name of the documentary?
She actually carved "i LOVE Dre" while she was in rehab after the fire. After she got out she carved HATE over LOVE because he didn't go see her as much as she would have liked him to. You can only see the HATE part though. Everything else faded away although you can see a little bit of the L in LOVE. It's called the "The Last Days of Left Eye".
She burns a pair of tennis shoes after he's been battering her all morning, after he's been running around cheating on her and beating her accusing her of cheating on him, and SHE'S the one with a mental health problem?
Yes,she seemed more manic than anything. Maybe she did suffer from some sort of depression like Bipolar maybe. I'm sure it didn't help that she self medicated with alcohol.
Someone else here mentioned they believed Left Eye had some bigger demons and I agree. I personally feel like there may have been some sexual or physical abuse in her past. For example something that I zeroed in on was how T-boz stated she heard Left Eye moved to Atl with her keyboard and $100.00. My god, I know you wanna make it but what the hayle were you that desparate to leave behind in order to say phuuuuuck it, I'm taking my keyboard and $100.00 and I'm outta here.
And the fact that she was never at peace. Always searching, people that have been physically or sexually abused as children display these types of traits because they are so lost and want to somehow internally settle what happened but that is a hard, long drawn out battle that sometimes NEVER ends. Hence the search for something to bandage that wound and make it feel better.
We KNOW there was physical abuse in her past, she talked about how her father would beat all of them over something as little as leaving a pen on the floor. He'd also scream and get them all out of bed at 3 A.M. in the morning, make them stand in line and he'd march back and forth berating them for 'how many times did you step over the pen and not THINK to PICK IT UP! LOOK AT THAT PEN!' It's no wonder she left home at 17, and it was $750, not $100. I also read once that when she was 16, her father took a knife to bed with him so she and Raina and Ronald all slept together because they thought he was going to use it on them.
Grrrl, I didn't know ANY of this. Watching the movie I got the impression he was one of those distant type dads, I did NOT know he was abusive. Then my interpretation is spot on for someone who was physically abused. Now I'm wondering if there was some sexual abuse??? Thanks for that info. This makes it even more sad since she died so young.
I know. When the first Behind the Music was out, they didn't get into that, she just said 'he was the KING of the castle, you know what I'm saying? 'What I say GOES', but after her death, mini biographies popped up everywhere and a lot of them said the same things and several of them said the same thing, that he'd beat them all over any little thing and she always got it the worst and it wasn't fair.
As for sexual abuse, that's something that if it did happen, Lisa never opened up to anyone about, not as far as we know anyway. She did mention in one interview when she was in rehab after burning down the house, she started talking to other patients and found out they were all different and all had their own stories and one was a man whose mother started having sex with him when he was 14. And as she talked about her own family in the "last Days of Left Eye" documentary, she got into it with the man about 'something had to happen to her to make her like that', and she looked at her own family and asked 'what did my dad's mama do to him to make him like that? And what the hell did her mama do to her?' she wanted to be the one who broke the link of insanity in the family, that's why she held off on having kids because she wanted to get her own life straightened out before she raised her own.
Very imformative. Thanks so much. I didn't know any of this. I feel so sorry for Left Eye because in a way it seems she never got the closure she needed or maybe she did............maybe in the afterlife.
I think she might have been bipolar. And she might have had some narcissistic tendencies as well. Not to sound like a shrink, but these creative geniuses often have mental issues.
Angelina Jolie. Liz Taylor. Bette Davis. Charlize Theron. Mae West.
I wouldn't doubt your assessment at all. I have a two friends who are Bipolar and all I can say is you don't know how it is until you have met one. They have some real highs and then some real lows to the point where it can drive others around them crazy.