The funny thing is they left out a LOT.
That whole episode with the "Missing Left Eye"
The fact that Andre had hit Lisa
T Boz being married (It just seemed like she randomly had a baby, unless I blinked?)
Acting (some of the films they made)
Did they mention Left Eye's daughter?
Much, much more.
I'm just thinking that there was so much they couldn't put everything, which goes to your idea of a longer movie.
I'm not sure about Crystal though. The story of how she got kicked out of the (actually, "her") group have been floating around for two decades, and now she wants to set the record straight? It also seems like there was an issue with editing; Some things were shown or implied but not elaborated upon. All in all, I think the movie could have been better, but I still like it :) Left Eye was always my fave, and I could see the tension within the group (not referring to the things that were publicly addressed), so it was nice to see that confirmed and that I wasn't crazy (my friends said that I was crazy and read too much into stuff, but it was pretty obvious to me...The movie showed how a lot of that stuff played out on camera. Plus there are a lot of interviews on YT where you can sense that there may be some discord).
You're so cool Brewster!