the wait between

I've read a few people complaining online that the wait between Avengers films has been too long. Honestly, I disagree. I still enjoy most MCU movies, and see each of them in theater at least once. But, there is superhero/comic book movie fatigue, which MCU is at least partly responsible for. So I'd say it's been good that there's been such a long gap, that way it can feel a bit more like an "Event" again. Honestly, I would even argue for longer, for a few reasons. We all know the Multiverse Saga movies at this point have not connected to each other nearly as well as the Infinity Saga movies did. There's just not as much connection between characters/story, not as much of a clear direction. And they're still regularly releasing MCU movies, so if you're watching them all, as I know many others tend to do, I don't think it feels like quite so much of a gap. And then if you add in the multiple series on Disney+...


Alot is riding on AVENGERS DOOMSDAY in whether or not the general audience accepts RDJ as the Villain when we've been so used to him as Tony Stark for 12 Years, not to mention how the average moviegoer will react to seeing evil versions of the AVENGERS and most likely fighting the FANTASTIC 4??
