Early Plot Guesses

Is Victor von Doom a Tony Stark variant? Is he the Tony Stark from another universe who went bad, and made Dr. Doom armor instead of Iron Man armor? Or is he a unique character who happens to be played by the same actor?

Will the Avengers face Doom in Doomsday, only to have them all set upon by the Beyonder as the lead-in to Secret Wars? Will Doom be a Tony Stark who sees the light and helps the team in Secret Wars, or a flat-out villain who guides the villains against the heroes?

I can't wait to find out.


They already gave the hint of "same mask, different task".


Didn't he say "new mask, same task?"


DOH! You are correct, thx for the correction, but you get the idea I was getting at.


This is based on an 80's Marvel comic titled "DEMON IN THE ARMOR"


Interesting one.


Do you think they'll go with any aspect of that for the film? When they base MCU films off of comic story plots they seem to take only the smallest kernel. If they do pull anything from Demon in the Armor, I wonder how much it will be.


Word is now the Masters of Evil are going to be the supporting villains.


Thats been played out before. It would be really bad ass if the Avengers take on the roles of social justice warriors bringing equity to the planet as well as tackle climate change. Its getting boring seeing them take on all kinds of supervillains. Can you imagine the Avengers taking part in a Black Lives Matter protest


Hopefully the film will follow the stunning and brave move of the recent Marvel comic books, and include a transgender Hawkeye.


My guess is that it'll suck but MCU fanboys will clap like seals because the movie spends more time referencing obscure comics instead of focusing on the plot.
