Overyhyped Garbage!

Have you seen the trailer? Than you've seen the movie. Almost 2 hours of nothing but the reptetitive shots of dark rooms and Tv's with creepy noises in the background with a couple jump scares thrown in every twenty minutes. Pile of crap. Can't believe people actually think this garbage is scary. Just because something is experimental doesn't make it good.


100% agree, complete rubbish and a waste of time! Like watching white noise on old TVs.


I hated it. If you're gonna do 'experimental' incoherence, at least offer some sort of explanation of what you're boring the audience with for 100 mins. Gah.


Trailer looked great. Pulled me in. I managed 12 min before i turned it off.


I'm at 21mins. I came here to see if I was gonna miss anything if I stopped watching this yawnfest. Apparently, not. Haha


When I experience something like this I try to give it the benefit of the doubt as obviously the filmmakers didn’t set out to bore or piss off the folks seeing their movie.

As it progressed to me it went from tedium to a keen interest in what was going to happen next. After it was over I thought about it quite a bit, whic means it was still entertaining me.

I admit, though, if you can’t get into its particular headspace you’ll probably hate it. Definitely not for everyone.



I wholly concur. The visuals and such are impressive but ambiguity is one thing..wholesale incoherence masquerading as "artsy" is QUITE another....


This film is like gerry or elephant.
