MovieChat Forums > West of Memphis (2012) Discussion > Did anyone account for Pennywise the Clo...

Did anyone account for Pennywise the Clown's whereabouts in May, 1993?

I'm not trying to trivialize the murders of these kids, but after reading the books and watching all the movies, I have to say that West Memphis, to me, sounds like a sordid, gross mash-up of Stephen King's "It" and Harmony Korine's "Gummo". It seems like a cloud of evil and despair hovers over the place.

I looked at the Google street views of the area, and it boggled my mind to think that this non-descript, podunk stretch of interstate freeway harbored such a hell-hole of nasty characters. You have a suburb infested with pedophiles, drug dealers and addicts, delinquents, halfwits, and all manner of horrible people. And all of them seemed to be linked to one another in bizarrely convoluted family trees and friendship patterns.

Even after I watched all the documentaries, I was sure that the Three were the killers. The documentaries seemed so biased and slanted, and Echols' body language and demeanor was so wrong, I assumed they were all guilty and people were just being sucked into supporting their innocence due to anti-Christian sentiment stirred up by people like Depp and Marilyn Manson.

Then, I began to delve into all the court documents and witness reports and interviews that are available online. Ironically in my later readings, I found out that Echols and Baldwin indeed stand out among the community, but in a positive way. The two of them seemed far more intellectual and refined than most of the others involved with this case, Echols' Satanic bravado and posturing notwithstanding. I still think Damien is kind of an obnoxious asshole, though, but not a murderer.

Let me put it this way. I now have a hard time understanding how any child at all makes it into their teens alive in West Memphis, surrounded by such a degenerate community.

BTW. I support the theory presented in the two affidavits that recount the confession of Buddy Lucas, a mentally challenged 19 year-old, who says Terry Hobbs and his adult male friend killed the boys, forcing Buddy and another teenager to help, after the 8 y/o victims found the 4 teens and men doing drugs and having gay sex in the forest. This seems like the most logical, simplest explanation, and the affidavits have the air of veracity to them.


I'm no expert on the case. I heard of it years back and have just today taken time to properly read up on it.

On surface level, especially when your introduction to the case is from the WM3 = innocent crew, the three come across as innocent teens who loved heavy metal, were a little bit edgy and were unjustly framed by a corrupt & puritanical police force. However I've come across some WM3 = guilty arguments which really make you think about just how 'innocent' these three muppets where.

One thing that does stand out, and I agree with you, is that this community was an absolute shitheap. I'm not American and mean no offense by this but from the quotes and few clips I've seen, everyone involved reeks of 'american trailer park trash'. Proper drawl sounding scruffs who couldn't tie their own shoelaces. I don't consider myself a bright indiviudal but I feel like fucking Einstein when seeing these clowns. An absolute mess of a community.

Echols comes across as a full blown edgelord cunt. A snidey little bastard, like Richard Ramirez. Hearing of his mental health record and seeing how he acts, you wouldn't doubt this wanker would be the sort to murder little kids.

Misskelley is by all accounts (including the 'WM3 = innocent angels' crew) practically mentally handicapped. He's a buffoon. A real cleetus. Is he simply a paranoid idiot whom is easily manipulated or does his lack of composure and intelligence cause his spilling of the truth?

Whilst Baldwin is the more discreet of the three but comes across as a dimwit in the clips I saw of him as a Teen.

People rushing to exonerate these three are searching too hard for drama and controversy, in my opinion. They're absolute muppets and it wouldn't be a shock to find they commited the crimes. On the other hand yes, it seems a number of the step-/fathers involved were absolute trash too. There probably isn't quite enough evidence to condemn the three, but part of me feels like they probably did it.
